Feb 05, 2009 00:00
A great deal of consideration has been put into this decision, and we, the mods of Tanagura, feel it is best to close down the community for the time being.
For those that are wondering why, it should go without saying that Tanagura was, as a whole (on part of the mods and vast majority of the players) not active enough to remain open for very long, much to our disappointment. Maintaining plot with so few regularly active players was also difficult, and with having to both moderate the community, as well as throw ourselves out there for plot, we began to wear out very quickly, and the initial excitement surrounding the game wound down... and down... until our interest was dangling by a thread.
We are every so grateful to all of those who did participate and were enthusiastic about the game. The support along the way and the effort you put into your characters is something we both respect and will miss more than words can say.
Again, our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may prove to be, it is the furthest thing from our intentions to upset anybody.
On a closing note, please do not take this to mean we do not want to talk to any of you still. The friendships formed here are very dear to us, so if you wish it, we would be more than happy to stay in contact with you, and continue to talk.
The game may eventually open again one day, but for now, this is goodbye to Tanagura.
Thank you again, we love you guys.
~Your mods: Bert, Crow, and Katie