Nov 13, 2004 17:37
current mood: my stomach hurts :(
current music: the tv...
current clothing: grey sweat pants and a white tee shirt
current hair: down, i still haven't brushed it out lmao...and its 5:30
current food: nuttin
current drink: water
current taste: uhm nothin...
current smell: haha...i need a shower lol..
current worry: nothin im worry free
current annoyance: there is nothin happening that is annoying im home alone...haha
current hate: uhhh a few
current love: nothin
current crush: uhmm dunno
current obsession: sleeping haha...i can't seem to get enough of it
current wish: i wish that i wasn't on the rag sucks so bad
current longing: to be happy
current plans for tonite: PaRtY! :) can't wait
current thing you should be doing: gettin ready
current regret: don't have one
current lyric stuck in head: blank haha
current book: none..i should be reading this one story for english but i haven't yet..and i need to do my paper too lol
current favorite book: i hate to read
current TV show your watching: i dunno i can't see it...but i think it was on mtv when i left it haha
current favorite band: lots
current favorite movie: haven't watched any new movies in awhile
current person your talking to/IM: no one
current avoidance: nothin..its too quite to be annoyed
current jewlry: bellybutton ring..thats all
current favorite word: ouch..haha
last movie watched: it was like taking lives or somethin...w/ angelina jolie in it...its pretty good
last tv show watched: battle for ozzfest
last cd listened to: burnt ones i guess
last thing eaten: a hot pocket
last thing you drank: water
last item you bought: uhh a coat i guess lol
last store you went to: food city i guess...
last person talked to: doug
last thing you said: well i gotta go get ready ill cya tonight i guess...bye lol
last ice cream eaten: pumpkin..last night
last soda drank: cherry coke
last person you called: uhm hannah
last person that called you: doug
last time showered: gettin ready to as soon as i get done w/ this tho
last shoes worn: tennis shoes i guess
last website visited: livejournal
last cry: a few days ago
first memory: damn i don't know..i gotta lot of memories
first best friend: uhmm i think it was like kendra couch but i don't remember haha
first boyfriend/girlfriend: drew justice funny!
first breakup: dunno
first job: haven't had a job YET
first self purchased item: dunno
first funeral: dunno dammit
first love: i one lol cept james..but i don't count him no more
first credit card: don't got one...but my mom let me use hers the other day
first time on a plane: when i went to the bahamas w/ hannah...
first time out of the country: ^
first detention: dont' even remember
first fight: dunno
first enemy: don't remember
-just thought id do that cause i am so fuckin bored...haha my stomach is im gettin ready to go get ready...can't wait...goin to a party tonight, its gonna be awesome! ok well bye bye
+leave me some comments :)
<3 Tana