Sep 05, 2002 17:38
Wow, everything's been such a whirlwind lately I haven't had much time to update. Yesterday was amazing. It felt so great to stand on that stage again! Kelly, congratulations ;) I think I was crying more than you were. Justin, you're so great and you're going to get a contract within days. "JUSTIN'S HAIR ROCKS"!
Okay, now you're forced to deal with my commentary of yesterday's show. Woohoo.
Looking at the "top 5" moments thing, I realize I make some WEIRD hand movements when I sing. I'm like, "*makes universal death sign* THERE'S NO WAY I'LL LEAVE YA!" And then a vein pops out of my neck and I look really pissed for the rest of the song. I scared myself. I can't believe I was #2 on "best performances" or something. How cool. Wooooo. Those damn product-placed "good luck Justin & Kelly" commercials from Coca-Cola and Ford Focus. They made me cry. Shut up, don't make fun. I'm going to miss making those dumb Ford Focus skits every week. "HEY WE'RE BORED LET'S DRIVE IN OUR PRETTY RED FORD FOCUS TO VEGAS! WAIT, WE CAN'T BECAUSE WE'RE TOO INDECISIVE! SILLY US!"
The 60s! WOOHOO! Oh god, that was fun. I was laughing so hard when it was done. "Jim: *kneels to the hotness that is Ryan Starr and her boots*" Jim, you fell. Did that hurt?! Because after you fell, you looked pissed off for the rest of the show. Especially when you were standing next to me! You looked like you were thinking, "Why do I have to stand next to Tamyra?! SHE IS IN MY LIGHT! SHE IS IN MY LIGHT!" Aww <33.
Motown = GREAT. I was so surprised when RJ pulled me in! In rehearsal, he was all shy about it, so he just took my hand and had me dance two feet away from him. But then at the show, he grabbed me by my hip and pulled me in and was grinding on me! I was like, "RJ I HAVE CORRUPTED YOU!" Oh no. Me and Justin singing together. That was interesting.
This whole experience has been amazing and I can't wait for the top 30 reunion so I can see everyone again. And the tourrrrr! COMING TO A CITY NEAR YOU! THAT'S RIGHT! YOU! *points*