
Mar 24, 2004 22:56

1) Ted had a lust problem-he did it to feed more excitement and more aliveness but he didn't know that it turned out too beyond his control that led him to black out. It is like more an "vampiral" emotional issue-he expressed his lust by through unspeakable crimes to make him alive. He seemed that his method was the medication for his lust-to relieve his uncontrollable lust but he didn't know that it built upon on lust. He seemed that he was not willing to get a painful shot to heal it by through steps. He refused to slow down his lust.

2) People with jealous problem tend to attack other people when they desire their possessions and or want more what they have; they forget about themselves. They believe to have will make them happy. They identified themselves to materials and/or to people to please themselves. They are quick tempers when they lose something or their possessions are taken because they believe that their possessions are very valued to them to flatter them. I am not surprised that if that individual is considered as good-looking, that person might be self-narcissi. They are highly materialistic.

3) People with obsessions tend to become very vindictive-they want to perfect everything ever small details. When they go so far in the depth of darkness, they become very manipulative. They want to perfect everything-they have no tolerance for flaws. They perceived flaws as failures and they won't let them go. They somewhat feel they have obligations, but they deal it in wrong sense-they rid off flaws or things they consider not necessary in order to get things done according to their ideals of a so-called perfect world. Saddam Hussein and Hitler are the best example of the people who have that kind of problem.

4) People with greed problems, they are too bitter that they have that knowledge that they are not happy. They do not believe that they have choices to approve or reject that lead them to destroy the happiness when they see it in other people. When they live with that belief system, they destroy people's happiness in order to get it back but then when they do it and still not get the happiness back-they become very sour, angry, and miserable. They keep doing it to throw their negative emotions out to get an even against people that remind them of someone who have destroyed their happiness in their past lives. They do it in seeking for closures to their wounds. It looks like they think they are warring against their own God to be top of it but they can't find their own God and deep down they are looking for some answers that they can't find. They always failed over and over bitterly.

Once they dive into darkness, they are destroyed-they lose their individualities. They sell their individualities to the darkness, as they believed that darkness would guarantee them what they wanted for an eternity. But the darkness is very deceptive-they fool everybody by not telling them that it is for only temporary. To have them; they must work for it then they will have their freedom and happiness for all eternity.

All people who are very motivated in the darkness are not happy-because they all were created by the purest Love. This is the enemy of love-love is not familiar with hate because it is not created by God (the Source of Love) That is why people who are very motivated in the darkness always keep trying to find something to make them very happy by dealing in wily means that hurt their spirits badly. To balance female (emotion) and male (knowledge) by cooperating in order to keep your individuality and your uniqueness.
To have a religion will not save oneself, only knowledge will save oneself only if they act upon the knowledge. That is my philosophical opinion.
What do you think of it?
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