Jun 02, 2005 15:44
It was showcase last night. It was strange, it didn't feel like a performance at all... no adreniline, no nerves. Just perform, have fun, come off. That was it. It was so strange. I don't know why it was different to all the other times I'd performed.
It went well though. Not amazingly the bestest ever in the whole entire world, but that might be a good thing: At least there's less chance of a second night blues! I think I did my part well, but I was SO close to cracking up when Lainey started saying her line "I'll though it Marty, I will, I will!" in the most OTT aussie accent. Jeez that girl cracks me up :D
It was really great before the performance. We were in - well - I guess you'd call it the changing rooms... actually they're just classrooms. Just before the performance, about 5 mintues before our call. As a company, we all sang Eidleweis (or however you spell it) over and over and over and over again with pat playing on his guitar. At that moment, I really loved my company, even though I wasn't very close to them. I want to be close to them though... meh, I'll get over it :)
Love you all!