Summer Podfic Swap: Dear Podficcer Letter

Jun 13, 2021 22:24

Dear Podficcer,

thank you for making something for me! I'm sure I'll love your work and I hope you'll enjoy creating it!

Things I’d Rather Not Get:

Unhappy endings
Major Character Death
Hurt with no comfort

Things I’d Love To Get:

Other than my DNWs I'm pretty easy going.
Gen/Het/Slash/Femslash are all welcome
Sexually explicit scenes are fine, though by no means required
Canon, canon AUs or total AUs are equally loved
I adore tropey stories: amnesia, soulmates, animal transformations, online dating, crack fic...
Stories about developing intimacy (friendship or romantic) are great
I have a soft spot for found families/families of choice
Epistolary fic is awesome
Please feel totally free to focus on/include characters I haven't listed as favorite

Fandom specific notes:


I'm still pretty new to this fandoms and have been loving Magnus/Alec. Other favorite characters are Isabelle, Raphael and Catarina.
I'm up for any pairing in this fandom. On the gen side I'm enjoying the siblings relationship.

X-men Alternate Timeline Movies:

Favorite characters are Erik, Charles, Logan, Angel and Raven. Any pairings welcome. On the gen side I love characters getting to know their mutations and realizing they are not alone and connecting with others. Another favorite are fics that explore Erik's jewishness.

Iron Fist:

Favorite characters are Ward, Colleen, Danny and Misty. Any pairings welcome. I'd enjoy fics that feature the characters bonding or going on adventures or that show some backstory for them.

If you've got any questions, you'd like to ask, anonymous comments are enabled in my journal. Please take my prompts as suggestions to help you out, not as restrictions! I want you to create a pofic that you enjoy making and I'm sure if you love it, I will as well! Thank you again!


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