There's a change a comin'

Aug 04, 2003 20:06

Hi Guys... paid subscription to LIveJournal ended yesterday. I didn't re - up. I thought there would be a lot more features for the paid service. There wasn't. At least not that I ever saw. I wanted to be able to add links on and so forth.

I found a new service that is starting tonight...and I will post a link to there from the Live Journal as soon as I get it set up. It is also a paid service...costs a little more than Live Journal...but has a ton more features...and utilizes the Moveable Type blog scripts.

It is called TypePad. It goes live tonight for all users as a preview release with features continued to be added as they go. It allows for photoblogs, links, categories...(ie: music and books that you can link to your own Amazon get the commission)...and will allow for moblogging.

So...I would appreciate if you guys will continue to read my blog over at TypePad. I think I will be able to import all my entries from LJ. I hope so. Charles'll need to change your link to me.

Things are going to get nuts for me again here. I'm gonna try and document it better this time in the new TypePad.

Thanks to LJ for getting me into the blogging.
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