failing forward

Apr 04, 2014 14:56

Turning mistakes into stepping stones for success.

chapter 1- achievers excel or the Midas touch. they just seem to make things happen and leave average in the dust. Is it family background? No. Is it wealth? No. Is it opportunity? No. It is in the eye of the beholder. Is it high morals? No. Is it absence of hardship? No.
The difference between average people and achievers is their perception of and response to failure.
Failure is the price we pay to reach success.
You have to tell yourself that you are not a failure but instead I failed at doing something. (put it in perspective)
Take the "I" out of failure.
If you always do what you always done, then you will get what you always got.

You might fear failure. Failure is not a percentage. It is not a single event but a process. Unprepared with failure even after graduating college. Trying to get everyone to like me instead of failing. Failure is far more common than success. How are you going to deal with your problem? Not if you are going to have problems. Your life can change if you look at failure different and learn to fail forward.  Redefine what failure is to you. People tend to judge too quickly just one isolated event in their lives as failures. Instead need to keep bigger picture in mind. The perspective leads to perseverance and bring longevity which gives you opportunity for success. You have to think of success as a process and not a place you arrive at.  and what you do on a day to day basis. It is not until you breath your last breath that you are still in the process and the jury is still out.

-Failure is not avoidable.(you are going to make mistakes, because you are a human being)
-Failure is not an one event, it is not just a moment but instead failure is a process. (Getting the F shows that you are neglecting the process of leading up to the test)
-Failure is not how you arrived at it but how you deal with life along the way
-Failure is not objective. (subjective and your perception of and response to will determine it)
-Failure is not a enemy (it takes adversity to create success and failure is fertilizer)
-Failure is irreversible. (problem comes when you don't see the bigger picture)
-Failure is not a stigma (when you make mistakes, don't let get you down. Make each failure a step to success)
-Failure is not FINAL  (don't fixate on particular events in your life and learn to be content in whatever state that you are in)

People think that failure should be easy. Most people believe that they will wake up someday being rich which is not true. A few negative experiences does not define failure. Learn a new definition of failure.
If you failed, are you a failure? What is wrong with me? wrestle with failure and doubtful thoughts about themselves. All the successful people that failed never looked at themselves as failures. Many successful people were giving the idea that they were failures but they never thought that way about themselves and perserver, continue to believe in themselves.

-achievers reject, rejection. (internal based self image, I made a mistake, take responsibility for your actions)
-achievers see failure as temporary
-achievers see failure as isolated incidence, momentary event (it is not personal, don't let one incident  color who you really are)
-achievers keep expectation realistic
-achievers focus on their strength (what makes a winner? winners concentrate at all times at what they CAN do, if weakness is part of character than focus on it)
-achievers kept trying and changing until they found one that worked for them, and willing to vary approaches to their problems.
-achievers bounce back.

Life is a series of outcomes, if it is what you wanted, great but sometimes outcome is not what you want, so figure out what was wrong and don't repeat it. Some people let failure get to them and prevents them from achieving their dreams.
Failure can be very painful and sometimes emotional and physically. The pain of failure leads to fear of failure and impossible to fail forward.

Paralysis- people just stop doing anything due to fear of failure
Procrastination- steals a person's time. too high of price to pay
Purposeless- I made it through the day without screwing up. avoid the pain of making mistakes. They lose sight of any sense of purpose they might have possessed. They focus on the wrong thing. you can't avoid fear. you can't wait for motivation to get you going. take action anyway to overcome fear. "a life spent making mistakes is more honorable and more useful then life spent doing nothing."  The hard part is when you have been inactive for a long time, getting started will be hard to do.  As you start moving, it gets easier and keep making mistakes, you gain experience and make fewer mistakes and fear is less paralyzing.
You face your fear and get moving.

39 minutes-
People who got use to failure, they make the same mistakes over and over again. These people are not sure exactly why they are making the same mistakes. These people never get off  the failure freeway.  They don't think failure is their fault and see every obstacle as other's fault. They blow up and become angry. 
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