Last night Lindsay and I got a drink at Charlies. A cute guy with short blond hair, an Abercrombie sweater and a gray scarf came up to us and while looking straight at me said he wanted to chat with 'us'. Lindsay tried to look him in the face. Clearly we were impressed with him already. I asked him why he wanted to chat. He said we looked interesting. He didn't stop smiling. I didn't give in. I had a hunch I didn't care to talk to him. I quickly thought up a demarcating question that would eliminate him as an interest. "How do you feel about designer brands?" His eyes lit up. "I can't believe you just said that! I actually sell items for Abercrombie, Burberry, blah blah barf. Wow, that's so random. It was like meant to be!" I had a good laugh in my head. Of course he was quite the opposite of what I would have been interested in. After he wouldn't take the hint that we just wanted to chat alone I simply said to him "where are you friends?" He finally walked away, still smiling a big cheesy grin.
I've always had an aversion to designer items. I've dipped in a few times (only as low as name-brands), but came out unsatisfied. It was hard to explain. I just didnt' get the point of a purse that cost hundreds of dollars. Something a lot cheaper could do the exact same thing! Maybe you say it's the quality. But no, you can still get a lot cheaper things that will last you. Plus, people who usually buy designer stuff, buy new stuff all the time. They don't have one set of everything they need in designer form and use it till it falls apart.