Mar 13, 2007 21:24
and today is really the 4th its just somewhere along the line i fucked up my dates on my livejournal so to day is the 4th my birthday is on the 27 and this means, my birth day is in 23 days. also i saw the number 23 just that many days before my next birthday. strange.cesar was stabed 23 times.
september 11, 2001, september is the 9th month of the year 9 plus 11 is 20, 0 is a place holder so take out the 0 and add 2+1that is 3 9+11+2+1=23.
the human consist of 46 chromosomes 23 from each parent.
the earth tilts on its axis at 23 degrees.
lee harvey oswald was taken in to custody on the 23 of november.
the human heart is on a 23 degree tilt.
there are only 23 letters in the latin alphabet.
The atomic number of vanadium is 23.
23 is the smallest prime number having a composite sum of digits.
there are 23 hours and 56 minutes in a sidereal day.
the planet neptune was discovered september 23, 1846.half of 46 is 23.
psalms 23 is the most easily most quoted text from the bible.
In the religion of Discordianism, 23 is considered a holy number.
France has 23 archbishops.
in new york 23rd Street, is shaped as a triangle. This shape caused frequent winds.
Charles Dickens, is the 23rd person sent to the guillotine in a series of executions.
23 was an old Morse code signal used by telegraph operators to mean "away with you.
23 as a cosmic number with strong connections to arcane magic and synchronicity.
2/3 is 666 and there isnt a 23rd chapter in revelation.
Viginti Tres (23) is a song on the album 10,000 Days by Tool.
Composer Alban Berg's self-professed 'number of fate': for example, his 'Lyric Suite' for String Quartet includes a variety of references to 23, including nonstandard metronome markings that are all multiples of 23; each movement is some multiple of 23 measures long, and there are significant structural elements at measures numbered in multiples of 23.
23 is The title of Tristan Prettyman's debut album.
A federal grand jury in the United States consists of 23 members.
Known to be Adolf Hitler's favorite number; he made many decisions based upon the number 23.
Among the white pride community, 23 represents the letter W (the 23rd letter of the alphabet) and is used to indicate pride in being of European descent.
Dr.Pepper has 23 flavors. Dr has two letters in it and Pepper has six.6/2 is 3. 23
pope paul the second was born on febuary 23 1417.
The human physical biorhythm is generally 23 days.