When; January 4th, evening
Rating; R for zombieness
Characters; Asshole rogue (
forourqueen) and lady in distress (
Summary; Gabriel has had enough of the ticking. His solution? Kidnap some company.
Log; (
Remember: Patience. Discipline. )
Putting his hands on each side of Cain's head, he leans in once more. "Now shut up. For every sound I hear from you, I'm taking a finger." To really dig in the point, he snaps his teeth shut just an inch from the other man's nose. "Remember. As long as you are useful..."
Letting go and walking away from the tied-up man, the rogue takes a seat on the old couch he had dragged down in the abandoned cellar. Taking out the communicator again, he quickly looks over the network before drawing both of his daggers. Since he didn't need to eat, sleep or use the bathroom, Gabriel spent his time making sure his equipment was in perfect shape. Soon, the only sound from Cain's captor is a shrill metallic pitch against a sharpening stone.
[ooc: Feel free to post that entry when you think it's appropriate.]
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