When; Thanksgiving Day
Rating; PG for now, subject to change
Characters; The people Charlie invited to Thanksgiving
Summary; Charlie throws her first Thanksgiving dinner ever.
Charlie was sure of one thing at the moment and that was she was never doing this again. Ever. Screw Christmas or any other holiday that asked for this much food. She wasn't doing it.
For starters, she had been cooking since Tuesday. That was small things like rolls and an attempt at cranberry sauce which was thrown down the garbage disposal because it had gone wrong. And toasting bread for stuffing.
And then Wednesday had been more shopping and more cooking and that had been the bigger things like baked macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, a few vegetable side dishes and another attempt at cranberry sauce that had gone significantly better. And just seconds after she'd gotten into bed, she had the brilliant idea to slow roast the turkey so, after looking up how to do it, she set her alarm to wake up just in time to get that started. It was kind of gross, removing things from the inside of the turkey and restuffing it with bunches of herbs and spices and a couple orange halves just to keep it from drying. That had also been a bit earlier than she'd liked and now she was kind of tired.
But there were still errands to run, last minute things to finish and a
dress to buy, though that was more an attempt to make herself look as though she really could do this and wasn't at all half dead on her feet.
Which she was. So, people she's invited, you guys better appreciate the efforts she went through for you all.