When; Today. When both Striders are awake. So. Probably around noon.
Rating; PG-13 because Striders.
Characters; Striders?!
Summary; Bro didn't know Dave existed over the weekend. And said some pretty awful things. Also he doesn't know how to feelings, or how apology formed.
Bro has reread the log 15 gut-wrenching times by the time he makes himself show up at Dave's apartment. He has to. He can't let that sit. There is no universe in which Bro Strider will let that sit. Okay, well, apparently there is at least one, and he wants to go to that universe and beat the everloving shit out of that asshole who is not at all him. Who would tell Dave he wasn't a Strider. As if that was possible.
Naturally, he lets himself in, because if he was Dave, he wouldn't let him in. He's halfway tempted to leave a 'Sorry for being such a douchebag' note but he's aware that isn't going to cut it. This is such a dumbshit thing to be afraid of. Like if he gets this wrong, Dave will shun him forever. He has to find him, and face him.