When; June 27 at the Hymns of Lorelei
Rating; PG
Characters; Cain Hargreaves (
misterblackbird), Yeager (
Summary; Just a couple of guys with fabulous hair and long coats discussing the City after
this conversationLog; (
And stood awhile in thought )
Comments 17
Pushing through the door, he cast a glance around the room at large, looking to see if he saw anyone who seemed to be waiting--particularly waiting for him.
He tilted his head when someone entered through the door. Well, well, he is looking for someone. Also from his memory of their encounter over the device this could very well be his man. Yeager stands up from the table and walks over to the doorway.
"Welcome. You found ze place easily, ja?"
"Yes, easily enough. You must be Mr Yeager. A pleasure to meet you--in person this time."
And he held out his hand (even with the back of it marked "Property of Riff" in black ink) in greeting.
"Zis City is deceptively large. I haven't even made it as far as ze wall or ze city below ze city. But come."
He motions for Cain to come away from the door and gets some tea for them as a refreshment. The waiter has what looks like bunny ears on his head, but well, it seems like all the staff weren't required to wear such outfits.
"Did ze rest of ze day pass you by without much further incident?"
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