Mid-game boss!

Oct 17, 2010 22:58

When; Late-ish Sunday, during Grab Bag curse
Rating; PG-13
Characters; Rita, Estelle, Natalia, Emil, Yuri, Flynn, Shing, Katara...and anyone else out hunting down a mad scientist (Tyr, Asch, etc.!)?
Summary; Cursed Rita kidnaps people, tortures people, kills people...but there are those who won't sit by and watch, especially when they're also cursed.
Log; [Within the lab she's set up within the City, Rita observes her newest captured victims. Studying Emil can wait until the next experiment is underway; in the meantime, she has plans for Estelle and Natalia.

The two are restrained in chairs on either side of a table, on which an unconscious subject of around nine years old rests. Calmly and coldly, she explains just what she wants from them.]

It's simple enough. I'll be running a test on this one, and all you have to do is use your healing artes. There shouldn't be any problem with that, should there?

{ - Rita cursed- - Yuri vigilante- - Natalia captured- - Estelle kidnapped- - Emil jarred- }
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