When; Wednesday, the 25th, all day
Rating; various
Characters; OPEN
Day 2: Clubs clubs clubs! They want you to join! Honor societies, sororities, fraternities, geek campaigns, magic circles, everyone's got something to offer and they want you to join their ranks...if you're good enough anyway
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[Okay, so that wasn't the scathingly clever opening remark he wanted to make. Maybe next time.]
[He gestures politely toward the chessboard.]
Your move?
[He pretends it doesn't irritate him. That's only fair, since Rudy is only pretending to not know his name.]
No. Thank you.
[Undaunted, Rudy reaches over and moves one of the black pawns into its opening move, then switches back to white; it's the game itself that he's after, and if Harold Justin may doesn't want to play him, then he'll play himself instead.]
He castles. Black pieces.]
[Which is, of course, a perfectly innocent reference to the castling, even if Justin may not take it as such. However, repartee is a part of chess--friendly chess, at least, but this isn't a tournament setting, anyway--and Rudy has more important things on his mind than how Justin chooses to interpret his comments. Like acquiring an advantageous board position.
He brings out one of his knights.]
After you.
[Mixed with strategic aggression when it comes to chess. The queen comes out, in no position to capture or be captured for the moment.]
Why do you want to be in chess club?
He appraises the board with a critical eye, then sends one of his bishops into dangerous territory.]
I need a motive outside of wanting to play chess?
[Justin undoubtedly makes a clever chess move (but not as clever as the subsequent moves that Rudy will make). He's playing more aggressively than usual. It's Rudy's fault, no doubt.]
He shifts another piece, unfazed at the loss of the bishop, and apparently playing fairly aimlessly for the moment. But deep down, he has a strategy in mind, and he is slowly but surely shaping the board into its image.]
Then why ask?
Because it makes no sense. You hate me. Why would you willingly join a club that would force you to be in the same room as me?
[And strangely enough, there's no real challenge or arrogance in that statement--on the contrary, Rudy says it as blandly as if he were reciting facts from an encyclopedia. Which, perhaps, is an even greater insult, in itself.]
[Justin is sufficiently insulted, but he's just as capable of maintaining a blank facade. Rudy's calling him self-centered? ...Okay, that might be true in this matter, but chess club is his. He's the president (and that's only because neither of the other two members would, but it counts). Rudy can't waltz in and nonchalantly usurp him. It's bad enough there's a new--and more popular--science tutor. Leave chess alone.
This year looks grim.
Thus occupied with his thoughts, Justin makes a rather sloppy move.]
[At least Harold--Justin--has the decency to keep a straight face, Rudy muses, surveying the board for his next move. He really cares nothing for the politics of chess club, nor does he have any particular aspirations toward it other than merely wanting to play chess. If he is better than everyone else in the club, then so be it; he's not about to start throwing games for the sake of preserving other peoples' feelings, which would be not only insulting but downright dishonourable as well.
He's almost finished laying the groundwork of his strategy. But Justin will be much more likely to notice it if he doesn't take that blatant sacrifice Justin just threw at him, so Rudy mentally adjusts his plans and slides his knight into place, taking Justin's piece.]
After you, Harold.
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