When; Monday, October 12. Early evening.
Rating; PG
Characters; Tony Foster (
darkest0knight ) and anyone Tony has spoken to and made friends with is welcome.
Summary; It's Tony's first real Thanksgiving and Eden is cooking so naturally he's invited the whole city to crowd into the apartment.
Log; (
It's the Great Turkey Tony Foster! )
But there are enough buns and different kinds of bread to feed an army.
Bother her at your own peril.
Seeing Eden in the kitchen... was fascinating. He leaned against the doorframe. It was like a trainwreck. You knew it was bad for you, but you couldn't look away.
Even though she knows that Chuck probably can't peel potatoes worth a damn.
Riddiculous thought. He was Chuck Bass, not some hired help.
Or even remotely entertained.
Instead she pulls a few potatoes from a bag, drags over a stool to him, and presses him down. She isn't very tall, but she has presence on her side. And then she hands him a potato peeler.
"Think of it as character buildin', boyo."
"My character's built enough, thank you," he muttered and looked around the place trying to locate those wine bottles he brought with him at the beginning of the party...
"The wine's on the table," she tells him with a scowl. Wine she's not allowed to even taste. "I had to move it. Peel, Bass."
He put the glass within his reach and took the pealer. He looked at it, unsure of what to do now. He took a potato in the other hand, trying to touch it as little as possible.
He glanced quickly at Eden. "How exactly did Foster talk you into this?"
She shrugged and looked over at him, just a little, adding the flour to her creamed butter. "He needed someone to cook. I like to cook. Didn' yeh know that?" It was something she had tossed herself into, since she had come to the City.
"I thought it was more of a distraction. From the Caspian thing... You know, exchanging one obsession with another?"
Yes, he still found it hilarious and extremely amusing.
"I've always liked to cook."
He didn't know that about Eden. But then again, they usually hang out with Tony and if they were alone it was to get drunk. Something she didn't do in a long while. Which, seeing how the last drunken escapade ended, he was more than grateful. Still. They never exactly shared secrets...
She paused for a moment, and shook her head. "I fuckin' hate bein' sober."
"Hey, Eden? How's everything going?"
The buns looked tempting. So did the gravy. Tony reached a finger out to sneak a taste.
"Turkey'll be done soon. And if you're goin' to stick yehr dirty finger in that gravy, do me a favor and wash first."
"Everything smells really good." His kitchen looked like a disaster area, but it also looked...homey. Comforting. Like a t.v. kitchen from one of those family sitcoms where the wives wore aprons and dads played catch with their kids on the front lawn.
Tony was a bit awestruck by it all.
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