[ log // ongoing ]

Mar 26, 2009 00:21

When; Evening of March 25th.
Rating; PG.
Characters; Lockon Stratos (haroicsacrifice) and Lelouch vi Britannia (lel0uch).
Summary; Lockon decides to finally meet this rebellious mastermind that Setsuna's so taken with.

The sun had only just set, and the lights of the gardens were just starting to flicker on. One--the last lantern before the cemetery--cast a light over a figure sitting casually on a bench just a few feet away.

Lockon was waiting patiently. As casual as it looked, he'd taken his seat on the bench carefully, so that there wasn't quite enough room for Lelouch to sit down. He wanted to be able to stand to greet him as he approached.

There were a lot of things he hoped he could plan out for this meeting. Lockon was a socially adept and perceptive person, but not a very deliberately manipulative one. Something from their brief conversations on the Network gave him the feeling that Lelouch was a different story. Maybe that was the kind of person they needed for the rebellion, but he still bore watching if he was going to be working so closely with Setsuna.
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