(no subject)

Sep 08, 2007 00:20

When; The morning after the Black Death curse
Rating; PG
Characters; Raphael brokenbeliefs and Barbiel wingsofoctober, with a cameo by Kanda to_sublimate.
Summary; Raphael finds his subordinate in a spare hospital room and finds out that she's dead. Angst ensues, and they both contemplate the meaning of what the other had done. Raphael is Raphael, Barbiel is Barbiel, and love is different for everyone.


He felt her.

At first, Raphael thought that he was mistaken. Her presence was faint, like a flickering flame, not the steady warm glow that he was used to. His first thought was whether it was just a false alarm. She could not be here, could she? But Raphael could not be wrong, she was someone that he depended on, someone close to him… someone he genuinely cared about. The next thought was that whether she was hurt.

With that thought nagging at him, there was only one thing to do. To confirm for himself on whether it was really Barbiel, or not. Raphael doubted that anyone else in the firehouse needed him. Even if they did, it was too bad. They will just have to wait. Without so much as a word of goodbye to his maid, Raphael stalked out of the room, with only one thought in mind - to look for someone who has a similar aura to that of his second-in-command.

It did not take long for him to ascertain where the aura originated from, and even a shorter amount of him for him to appear in front of the hospital. The Chief of Virtues stalked through the corridors, taking brisk steps short of breaking into a jog as he sidestepped and avoided patients.

He would have walked past the room if not for the fact that he followed the aura here. It was not even an office, just a normal room set aside for doctors and nurses to rest. The angel threw open the door, not without a small amount of trepidation at what he would find.

Barbiel was exhausted. She'd spent the entire day helping people out; her sense of professionalism wasn't what was dead, after all. Even then, it had taken a grave toll on her - she couldn't heal as well and as many as Raphael did, after all.

When the uproar was finally over, a weary Barbiel had made her way back to the hospital, found the nearest empty room, gathered a good few thick blankets, and curled up on a bed. She would find Raphael-sama later, once she was rested. Still unused to the chilliness, Barbiel had cranked up the heater to near maximum; it was only then, with the false sense of having warmth returned to her, that she managed to fall asleep.

It was only half a day later that her body began to wake, already having had close to enough rest. And so it was in this state that she heard the door thrown open, startling her out of full slumber. Oh, they needed the room so quickly? Forcing the sleep out from her voice, she sat up abruptly, her lithe form swathed in thick blankets. "Ah, sorry, I just needed a place to rest. I'll prepare the room for--"

Her words died completely in her throat when her gaze fell on a most familiar, beloved sight, her grip on the blankets loosening as she stared, wide-eyed.


She knew she had made a note to find him earlier, her joy at finding him here overshadowed by a strange sort of sadness at what he'd done to save her. She was still dead, but Michael-sama would never lie. Even then, that resolution seemed almost far away, unreachable, until now. He was standing right in front of her, and Barbiel fought the overwhelming urge to cry and laugh all at once. One thing she'd feared about death was that she'd never see him again, but...

"...You're here."

His eyes widened in disbelief at the familiar figure wrapped in blankets. A quick two, three strides brought him to her side. Barbiel… the Chief of Virtues did not realize how much he had missed her all this time he was in the City until she was in front of him. He had missed her smile, her efficiency, the way she chided him… and most of all, her company. She was always there by his side, supporting him until the very end.

Raphael grabbed her by her shoulders, reassuring himself that Barbiel was really here, and not another cruel joke that the City liked to play. It took him awhile before he felt that there was something wrong. She was cold, the way a cadaver was cold.


This would explain how he did not notice her presence until now. It was easily missed if one was not looking out for it. Raphael could still feel her, but it was weak, faint. Did he fail? All the while he was in the City, the angel never asked Mika nor anyone else about Barbiel. Some part of him feared that he had failed. It was a huge gamble that he took on that fateful day. There was a large chance that Barbiel would not regain her life and he would lose his in the process… it seemed that his attempt was in vain, after all. What did he expect? Even on usual days, he could not attempt reviving without a severe backlash, much less when he was weakened and his powers were waning.

“Barbiel… I- I am glad to see you again.”

And he was, though his tone was neutral as he spoke. How could he face her when he has failed her where it mattered most?

Barbiel knew him long enough, well enough to pick up on his moods and especially the things he didn't say, and her fingers released the blankets, moving to rest over his even as she looked back at him. As beautiful as always, the chief of Virtues was. Mustering up a sincere smile, she thought that maybe being dead wasn't so bad after all, as long as she got to see him again.

Fingers ghosting over his cheek, she realized that he was real, and his grip was warm, solid. Laughing a little, feeling the sting of tears behind her eyes, she thought that this was the Raphael that she'd always remembered - despite his sweet talk, he really didn't know how to express his feelings very well. There were so many questions why, why he would risk his life for her when he already had someone more important by his side, but they could wait.

For now, Barbiel wanted to be selfish, just a little. To savour it before Raphael remembered his lover again. "I wanted to go and see you first, you know. And now you caught me at my very worst. We really should work on that habit of yours."

Cold, cold. Her hands were freezing. The abnormally warm temperature of the room only served to emphasize the fact. Raphael bit his lip, even as Barbiel smiled up at him. The blond angel allowed her to touch him, enjoying and hating it at the same time. What a cruel joke that the City was playing on him. He needed to remember to thank them one day.

He was to blame as well, he only appreciated her after she had passed away, realized how much she had meant to him. He hated to admit it, but it looked like the humans were right about something after all - One would only appreciate someone when they were gone. At least she was here now.

Raphael hardly ever smiled, but for Barbiel's sake, he managed a small one all the same. He is truly, sincerely, genuinely glad to see her again, though a selfish part of him hoped she had lived. “This would not be the first time nor would it be the last time.” He pushed a stray lock of hair from her face.

And there it was, something that she had been searching, striving for all along; that rare, little smile that graced his exquisite features. Did he know that he looked so much younger when he did that?

It was worth it, it was all worth it even as Barbiel smiled in response. For just that smile, she knew she would do anything. Feeling his fingers brush over her skin, she let her own trace the quirk of his lips for a bare moment; perhaps to test to see whether she was imagining things. 'If I didn't know better," she managed through a sudden lump in her throat. "...I'd say that you just want to see me look bad."

Her eyes flicked up to his, and she contemplated him for a moment before she quietly murmured, her smile easing into a soft frown. "You look older." ...It was physically impossible for angels to age, but there was just something about him that seemed older, sadder, somehow.

Barbiel's observation has always been correct, especially when it concerned Raphael. The Chief of Virtue had always found it hard to express himself, preferring instead to wear a mask of cold indifference. It made it harder for others to read him, to use him as they plotted against one another in their bid to rise in rank. It has become a habit to slip on his mask, especially when he is at lost as to how to react in a situation.

This was one such situation. His second-in-command… very much like everyone around him, was an idiot. She should be screaming at him, not looking glad to see him. He could not understand her at times. Barbiel was first and foremost a woman, and there was only one way the Chief of Virtues would react. Raphael slipped on the mask best suited for the occasion. He took her wandering fingers and lifted them to his lips, kissing them gently as he watched for her reaction. “You will never look bad, not in my eyes.” His words were sincere.

He felt older.

“… and you look the same.”

She looked exactly the way she was at her last moments. He remembered that day all too well. It has happened in a flash of an eye. Raphael blamed himself for falling for the textbook trick. He should have known better. Perhaps then, Barbiel would not have sacrificed herself in his stead.

Unable to look away when he kissed her fingers, Barbiel was inwardly surprised to feel a familiar tingle where his soft lips brushed over her skin. Really, indifferent or not, he was still his same charming self, and she found it oddly reassuring. A little painful, but assuring all the same.

And speaking of same... her fingers curling over Raphael's, she decided to get straight to it. He wasn't the type to broach sensitive subjects, and she knew that her being dead had affected him somewhat; Barbiel knew him too long to not notice.

Gently squeezing his fingers, she spoke, her gaze lingering on their joined hands. His fingers were so warm... "You risked death for me, didn't you? Michael-sama told me everything." Punctuated with cursing, but she had already grown used to automatically filtering out the adjectives to get to the plain facts, and the fact remained that Raphael had done something silly, something that was unlike him, and she wanted to know why.

He would be lying if he denied that the fact that he was not surprised when Barbiel closed her hand around his fingers. Raphael looked up curiously, wondering what was on her mind. His second-in-command looked solemn, even a little serious. It did not take a genius to know to know what she was about to say. Raphael dreaded it, but at the same time welcomed it. He was selfish, but he would feel a lot better if Barbiel told him off instead of skirting around the issue.

But the words that came out from her lips were not what he had expected. Shock was replaced by a surge of annoyance. Mika talked too much for his own good. He said something that was unnecessary. His attempt has failed, it did not matter, end of story. Raphael disliked bringing up the past.

He took several seconds to arrange his thoughts, formulating an acceptable reply to her statement. “… Yes.” There was no use denying it, his idiotic best friend could not lie to save his life… make that ex-best friend.

Barbiel observed him, the emotions flitting over his features before a familiar, annoyed expression settled. Really, sometimes Raphael-sama could be very transparent when he was caught off guard. He was displeased, that much was certain, but it would probably wear off in time; it always did.

"Why, Raphael-sama?" She asked quietly. Her tone was not accusing, merely curious, and perhaps tinged with a faint, barely detectable tinge of sadness. "You can always find another, especially when you now have Sara. Have you ever thought about how she would feel?"

Why? It was a good question, one that Raphael did not have a definite answer for. Because she sacrificed herself for him? Because he cared for her? Because he loved her? He only realized that when it was too late and he was not about to tell her what he felt anytime soon.

“Because you are an idiot. I need you around to make sure that my work goes smoothly.” He finally said coldly, pulling his hand back. An idiot that he could not do without. An idiot that he would give his life up for. Raphael pulled a packet of cigarettes from his lab coat and lit one, taking a deep drag. There, much better.

He had mistaken his feelings for Sara. She saw right through him and she still accepted him for who he is. Somewhere down those lines, her acceptance of him blurred with his fondness of her. Sara is a special person to Raphael and still is, but he has come to terms with his feelings.

“Sara belongs with Setsuna” The Chief of Virtues did not care to elaborate more.

Well, she supposed that considering Raphael's temperament, she had this coming. Looking down at her hands when he pulled away from her abruptly, she mastered a flinch at his words, contemplating them, wondering if she should be relieved that Raphael and Sara weren't an item, or guilty that she'd felt that way.

Finally deciding to settle for a bit of both, Barbiel glanced up when she registered the familiar smoke scent; as far as she knew, Raphael only indulged in that habit when he was particularly bored or agitated, and she smiled faintly. Really, some things never changed. But even then, the gesture he made to revive her was one to be grateful for. She was aware of the risks involved, and she knew that he knew it more then she did, but even with that knowledge...

Feeling a surge of warmth within her that had absolutely nothing to do with physical body functionings, she smiled. She was still dead, but that didn't matter now. He'd tried, and that was what counted. That was more than enough.

Pushing the blankets away, she got to her feet and bowed, giving her beloved, her superior the credit and gratitude that he deserved. Wondering if it was foolish of her to be happy about such a thing, especially the danger he put himself in. "I--thank you, Raphael-sama. I'm sorry that I'm still like this, but what you did...I'll never forget it."

And she wouldn't, because that was the best gift a person could have given to anyone.

His annoyance only grew when he caught her looking down, thought his irritation was directed more to himself than her. He knew he had probably upset her with his words and insensitivity. She did not do anything to warrant such words. Raphael ran a hand through his hair. Such an idiot she was. How could someone be so… selfless?

If there was a person in Heaven that truly knew Raphael, it would be Barbiel. She had observed and watched over him, and even when she knew the man behind the mask, she still accepted him. She never flinched, not even once… and the Chief of Virtues had never truly once saw how much she cared, no, loved him until she died.

He did not deserve Barbiel.

The only thing Raphael can do, and will do, is to make sure she is safe and unharmed. It is the least he can do after all he had put her through. He will protect that smile on her face.

What she did next was unexpected. Surprise flashed across his features for a second as she gave him a bow. By impulse, the archangel of wind reached out with the intention to run his hand through her hair, to touch her. Upon realizing what was about to do, Raphael pulled his hand away and settled of placing it on his hip, all while hoping that she would not notice.

Raphael found himself concentrating on the thermostat on the wall. He could not look at look at her, he could not accept credit where he has failed… and most of all, he could not accept her gratitude. But yet, the words that came from his mouth were contrary.

“Hmph. You can make it up to me by resuming your position as my second-in command,” the blond angel paused for a second. “… After you have gotten ample rest.” Raphael turned away from her and folded his arms. “And you are following me back to the Firehouse, the others are there and they will be glad to have you around.”

It was a command that brooked no objections.

It was a command that Barbiel would willingly follow as well. Strange, really, that she'd still be resuming her job even in a place like this, but Barbiel didn't mind too much.

Straightening, she felt a faint smile tug at her lips. She hadn't seen the way Raphael had almost reached out to her, but his brusque manner was entirely readable. Was he embarrassed at her thanks? Looking back at him, amused despite herself as the way that his back was to her, Barbiel moved over and put a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"I'll do just that, Raphael-sama." She responded sincerely; sometimes he had a tendency to be just like a child, and she supposed that some of it was because of Michael's influence. Nonetheless, it didn't make it any less endearing sometimes. Barbiel paused for a brief moment, contemplating her next words before she decided to speak. No point in holding it back, really. "I'm...very happy to see you again."

Raphael hesitated for a second before he lifted his hand and placed it over hers. He gave it a squeeze, ignoring the icy coldness. The Chief of Virtues closed his eyes, savoring her texture of her hand. It was not smooth and soft, like most other females. It was rough… and told everyone who ever had the pleasure of shaking or touching her hands that she was not any mere angel. Barbiel achieved her rank based on her own merit, through sheer determination and resolve. No, his second-in-command was not just any other female.

“I… am glad to see you as well.”

It was moving quickly to a situation that Raphael was uncomfortable with. He had never been an emotional person and never will be. “Let us get moving. I need to tell my maid to hunt down all the blankets he could find.”

(And far away, in a deep, dark forest, Kanda sneezed.)
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