When; May 7th, Evening Rating; PG-13, maybe R. Characters; Greed so_very_greedy and Kimimaro nofunnybone Summary; Kimimaro has had enough of Greed's bullshit. People tend to reach that point. Log; ( A matter of principle )
Kimimaro sped lightly through the city, east, as he had been directed. It seemed strange to one moment be dead, and then next rushing across grass and pavement towards another fight. Still, it could not be helped.
Orochimaru-sama would not be insulted in his hearing.
He heard the man before he saw him, decided to make his entrance silently. The sound of his flesh parting so he could pull the bone from his shoulder was the only threat he needed to make.
Kimimaro shrugged, the motion making his skin gape for a second before it knit closed again, a bit more sluggishly than usual.
He had been curious as to whether his body would react the same when he pulled bones from them as when he was alive. For the moment, it didn't seem like using the shikotsumyaku would be a problem here.
"I am satisfied with my ability. The aesthetics do not matter as much as the results," he said, and then sent the bone-sword whistling through the air towards the man with no more preamble.
Greed was too busy droning on about how disgusting his power was to notice the blade heading for him. It caught him dead on, sliding through his throat and pinning him to a tree.
"Ah!" he gurgled through blood, "You...asshole!"
He quickly worked out the blade and crushed it in his hands, then dusted his hand on his pants and stomped toward the pale man. The bloody wound in his thick neck had already knit shut in a crackle of alchemical energy.
"Kid, you shouldn't interrupt a man when he's expounding."
Kimimaro frowned and took a step back, hand going to his chest where the Earth seal marked his body. While he was alive it had given him nearly immeasurable strength and resilience. It also marked him as Orochimaru-sama's, bonding them together.
He was unsure of whether the seal would continue to work the same way, now that he was dead. If he asserted control over that power, would it fail him? And a small part of him was hesitant to try. The seal was all he had the signified Orochimaru's trust in him. If he were to lose that...
"I cannot fight you with the seal's power. Not until I find Orochimaru-sama, or talk to Kabuto," Kimimaro conceded, hating the idea of leaving a fight unfinished. But it was a risk he could not yet take.
Greed growled for a moment as if he would attack, but thought better of it and allowed his skin to recede. He shoved his hands into his pockets and casually strolled forware to Kimimaro.
"Fine," he said, putting an open hand out, "I can understand that. Put 'er there."
Kimimaro looked at Greed's outstretched hand, utterly confused. The only thing he held was...
He scowled.
"I am not giving you my sword," he warned, absorbing the bone back into his body like a sulky child hording his toys from the others on the playground. But the other man's hand was still out, palm up, expectant.
"...You're supposed to shake hands with. It's a what strong men do when parting ways honorably. The standard is clasping palms, my right to your right, and giving three quick arm pumps. Then we agree to meet up again when you're ready to fight."
Greed looks flat at the younger male as he said this.
Comments 71
Orochimaru-sama would not be insulted in his hearing.
He heard the man before he saw him, decided to make his entrance silently. The sound of his flesh parting so he could pull the bone from his shoulder was the only threat he needed to make.
"Geez, why does your power have to be so fuckin' disgusting?" Greed winced, sticking his tongue out, "You should trade up."
He had been curious as to whether his body would react the same when he pulled bones from them as when he was alive. For the moment, it didn't seem like using the shikotsumyaku would be a problem here.
"I am satisfied with my ability. The aesthetics do not matter as much as the results," he said, and then sent the bone-sword whistling through the air towards the man with no more preamble.
"Ah!" he gurgled through blood, "You...asshole!"
He quickly worked out the blade and crushed it in his hands, then dusted his hand on his pants and stomped toward the pale man. The bloody wound in his thick neck had already knit shut in a crackle of alchemical energy.
"Kid, you shouldn't interrupt a man when he's expounding."
He was unsure of whether the seal would continue to work the same way, now that he was dead. If he asserted control over that power, would it fail him? And a small part of him was hesitant to try. The seal was all he had the signified Orochimaru's trust in him. If he were to lose that...
"I cannot fight you with the seal's power. Not until I find Orochimaru-sama, or talk to Kabuto," Kimimaro conceded, hating the idea of leaving a fight unfinished. But it was a risk he could not yet take.
"Fine," he said, putting an open hand out, "I can understand that. Put 'er there."
He scowled.
"I am not giving you my sword," he warned, absorbing the bone back into his body like a sulky child hording his toys from the others on the playground. But the other man's hand was still out, palm up, expectant.
What did he want?
Greed looks flat at the younger male as he said this.
Was he raised in a cave, or what?
"You honestly never heard of this?"
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