Log; Complete

Feb 05, 2007 00:50

When; February 4th, afternoon/evening
Rating; G (yeah, a log with Cirucci that's G)
Characters; Cirucci {thunderwitch} & Wonderwyce {toothed}
Summary; With the newest member of the family left confused by everyone's dissenting and different orders and opinions, it's up to Cirucci to clarify. Her way, of course.

Cirucci stretched a little, sitting in a small nest of pillows on the floor of her apartment, watching her young ward. Wonderwyce looked troubled. Had been looking troubled ever since his attention had left the computer to wander about the apartment as he was prone to do, having difficulty focusing on anything in particular for a long period of time unless it was something serious. Idly, watching the boy, the Privaron noticed she’d missed a spot of blood when she’d cleaned earlier. She was still wounded, though the larger injuries had been thinly closed, and unable to move about as she would like. But something was irking her. “Wonderwyce,” She called, motioning with one arm for the young Arrancar to come closer, “come here, please.”

It'd been too much for him. Too much had happened in such a short amount of time, and now, he was lost. On one hand, he had Cirucci, the only constant he'd had through it all. And on the other hand, he had his brothers. Each more confusing than the last. Make friends with the half. Don't. Train with the others. Don't. And now, the very reason that had made him what he was, the reason he was even alive, had been called into the fray. Loyalty to Aizen alone, or personal feelings. Conversing with the Espada had brought around nothing but trouble. Wondering into the room for what must've been the ninth time that hour, Wonderwyce's attention was pulled to the other inhabitant the moment she spoke. And so, without fail, he made his way over to her. Stopping in front of her, head cocked to the side in confusion, he simply waited.

Cirucci sighed softly, motioning for Wonderwyce to sit, having to crane her neck to look at him with him standing like that. “What did you talk to the boys about, baby?” She asked softly, gently. Couldn’t be too harsh with this one, he wouldn’t understand. He was a simplistic mind, until it fully formed, until her learned more, trained more, gained more. And she knew his confusion had to come from his brothers, what with the conversations they themselves had spoken of that day.

"Diff..er..ent...things." Slowly, carefully, Wonderwyce crouched down, slipping into a seat alongside Cirucci. There were too many things that'd happened for him to make sense of it all, and even trying to say them now would prove difficult. Not to mention the fact that certain things... There were some things he'd be keeping to himself, regardless. "Ar..ran..car...do...what...Ai..zen..sa..ma...want. Why...do...what...self...want...too?"

This was were things would get difficult. Playing the fine line between loyalty and treason. But with their master in such a state, what options did they have left. “Wonderwyce, you know how we all say Aizen-sama is a little sick, right? In the heart?” She spoke simply, voice a comforting croon of noise, brushing thin strands of straw blonde hair from the boy’s face. “Well, because he’s a little sick, we have to do some things on our own, see? Like training, or research.” The Privaron paused for a moment, pursing her lips. She was responsible for the boy, for making sure he was raised correctly here. “He also gave us permission, baby, to do a lot of things we weren’t allowed to in Hueco Mundo.”

"Ai..zen..sa..ma...not...act...sick." Or at least, not around him, so far. From Wonderwyce's point of view, Aizen had been acting in a similar fashion to the few times they'd met in Hueco Mundo. Other than the idea that they couldn't fight the shinigami, of course. "Just...want...train. Get...strong...and...pro..tect...fam..i..ly." Glancing up to Cirucci, a half smile made it's way onto his face for a brief moment, before he was staring over to the window. "Why...brot..hers...not...do...what...Ai..zen..sa..ma...say?"

Cirucci smiled encouragingly before almost rolling her eyes, the young one’s attention span really was worthy of marvel. “Well, he’s sick sometimes.” She amended. “Why?” She leaned back a little, wincing slightly at the movement. “Because some of your brothers are a little sick, too. Which ones, baby?” She needed to know, as well, what he’d been told. Not just to help him, help shape him, but because she worried for plots that did not include her.

And therein lay the trouble. "All." Each and every one had confused him in different ways. Their opinions of Aizen, the shinigami, the truce, Cirucci, and even he himself. Each had said something that had caused nothing less than confusion to the young Arrancar. "Ev..en...Cir..uc..ci...con..fuse."

“Okay, let’s start with that.” Cirucci had a feeling this may take a while. “What about Cirucci confused you, Wonderwyce?” Though she thought she knew the answer. Her injuries. Why she got them. Why Zaera-Polo gave them to her. Why she didn’t want him to hurt Zaera-Polo in retaliation. She supposed, when she thought about it, it really was a large concept for his mind to wrap around.

"Cir..uc..ci...let...get...hurt. Not...know...why...not...stop." Regardless of Cirucci's feelings on the matter, he just couldn't understand it all. Even if she was a Privaron, why was she letting the Espada get away with hurting her? And without any form of retaliation. "Fa..mi..ly...not...fight. Need...fight...shi..ni..ga..mi." Which was another problem related to Aizen once again.

“Cirucci doesn’t stop it, because she can’t, Wonderwyce. Zaera-polo is more powerful than her.” The Privaron did not enjoy the events of last night. Having someone’s fingers in your side took the enjoyment right out of it. “And she has duties that none of the others have. Special duties that only she does, and those duties require she get hurt sometimes…” Trying to explain what she did was difficult. “But that’s right, baby, we need to fight the shinigami. It’s what we are supposed to do.” Cirucci shook her head. “That’s why we’re fighting amoungst ourselves, see? Because… we’re meant to fight, and when Aizen-sama says we can’t, everyone gets upset.”

"Za..er..a..Po..lo...say...not...hurt...Cir..uc..ci...a..gain." Though, even he wasn't stupid enough to expect that idea to stick for long. As Cirucci herself had said, it was what they were supposed to it. It was their nature, in the end. "Es..pa..da...fight...Es..pa..da...then." All he wanted was for the other to leave Cirucci alone, afterall. Even he would prefer to have to fight in her place. However, given their earlier conversation, it wasn't something he'd be able to do. "Why...not...al..lowed...train...with...Grimm..jow. Want...train. Told... not."

That was… almost touching. “Oh, baby…” The Privaron tugged gently on the boys’s uniform, bringing him close enough to ruffle his hair in a comforting gesture. “… I’m sure Zaera-polo won’t do it anymore if he told you he wouldn’t.” But it was an empty assurance, and she was sure he knew that as well. “As for Grimmjow…” She tried not to scowl too much. He was to blame, for her injuries. Because she hadn’t been able to entice him, she had been forced to attend to Zaera-polo when he was in a mood. “… The others don’t want you to get sick, Wonderwyce, Grimmjow is sick. You know the half?” She used the young Arrancar’s name for Momo. “He loves her. And that’s wrong, you know that.”

"Mo..mo...not...shin..i..ga..mi. Half...now." His gaze was pulled back at the mention of 'love'. Grimmjow was an arrancar, so he wasn't supposed to feel emotions like that. Was he? Was it even possible? Or was it something similar to what Zaera-polo had asked him to do before? "Not...get...sick. Grimm..jow...trained...al..read..y. Was...safe." Tilting his head up to look properly at Cirucci, his expression turned blank, despite his feelings. "Want...train...with...Grimm..jow...a..gain."

Cirucci was the one torn now. Zaera-polo had told her to do as she saw fit in these cases. That was dangerous. Because that meant if Wonderwyce did something wrong, if she allowed him to do something Zaera-polo didn’t approve of, it would be her head. “… You can do that.” She finally said. … She didn’t think the child would be swayed into the same illness that had claimed Grimmjow, he was a loyal one. But she had to make sure, be cautious. “Cirucci can watch though, hmm? To see how you’re doing? She likes to watch you get stronger, baby.” And it did fill her with some sort of maternal pride, watching him learn, though she couldn’t explain why.

If it meant he'd still be allowed to train, then he wasn't going to refuse. However... "Watch...when...Ai..zen..sa..ma...and...Za..er..a..Po..lo...train...too?" Not to mention any of the others he ended up asking to teach him too. It'd only been a few days and already he'd managed to wrangle half the arrancar into teaching him something.

“Would you mind?” Cirucci murmured gently, absently still running thin fingers through the young Arrancar’s hair, sometimes pausing to fondle a lank, soft and thin, at least, now as such, since she’d taught him how to bathe.

"Cir..uc..ci...watch...if...they...say...can." A small smile followed as he grabbed ahold of the material of her clothes. "If...say...yes. Want. Want...Cir..uc..ci...watch." It was something he couldn't quite explain, but having Cirucci around felt similar to the time he was able to spend around Tousen, back before he'd arrived in the City. And until Tousen turned up, he wasn't going to waste it.

The Privaron couldn’t help but laugh, the young one’s antics were… she hesitated to think such a thing, endearing. Innocent. Everything she was not. “Mm, you’re a good baby, Wonderwyce.” She cooed, fairly snatching him closer, planting a small kiss on his forehead. “You’re going to grow up strong, aren’t you?~”

"Will!" It was the very same thing he'd said to Grimmjow a short time ago. He wanted to get stronger, only it was for more reasons than he'd let on to others. He'd do whatever he could to grow stronger than the Espada. He'd protect Cirucci, make Tousen proud, and above all else, fight for Aizen.

“Good.” Cirucci smiled, looking the boy over. Short, gangly, scraggle-toothed… but with potential. She could feel it, had seen it. Whether he could surpass an Espada… was to be seen. But it would be interesting to see, that it would. “Anything else you’re confused about, Wonderwyce?”

He was silent for a few moments, his attention pulled to the window as the shadow of a bird flew past. Only once it was well out of sight did he force himself to respond. "Ar..ran..car...fam..i..ly. Why...Nell...not...too?"

“Nell Tu isn’t even a Numero, and Nell Tu chooses to be with the shinigami. To be friends with the shinigami, and live with them.” Cirucci answered calmly, though the fact the small Arrancar was not punished for these transgressions irked her. “When the substitute shinigami and his friends attacked Los Noches Nell Tu helped them.”

"Nell...say...not...be...with...fam..i..ly...be..cause...fam..i..ly...hurt...Nell." The fact that she could be seen as a traitor had only factored into his thoughts at the start. Since their 'playtime', things had changed. "Nell...come...back?"

Now that was a tough one. “Perhaps if Nell Tu came back, and did not associate with the shinigami like that again, she would be part of the family again, yes.” She was hesitant to provide a definitive answer, in case it turned out differently. “The family hurt Nell Tu when Nell Tu tried to defend shinigami.”

"Nell...be...friend?" Because as much as he hated to admit it, having someone 'his own age' around had been...enjoyable. He'd been given the chance to do childish things, such as playing game. It was something he'd like to do again, given the opportunity. And if convincing Nell to return to her family would provide one, he'd try to do just that.

“… If you’re careful.” The Privaron brushed hair from Wonderwyce’s eyes to have him meet her gaze, calm, and level. “You must remember, Wonderwyce, one thing abouve all else.” Her hands held the smaller ones in her grip, firm. “Never, ever, ever care about a shinigami. Don’t let Nell Tu make you think it’s okay. Or Grimmjow. Don’t care about a half shinigami either, baby. Remember that, alright?”

He nodded his head automatically. Shinigami were the enemy, he knew that. And nothing was going to change that, no matter what. "Hate...shin..i..ga..mi." His 'affection' for Momo has spawned from Zaera-polo's order of making friends with her. If that was still in place, then he would continue. Otherwise, he would free himself from that particular. "...have...to...still...be...nice...to...Mo..mo?"

Another difficult call. Cirucci did not speak for a moment, thinking. “… Speak to her if she speaks to you. Pretend to be affectionate with her if she approaches you, but do not initiate anything. Understand?”

He nodded his head, grinning up at Cirucci. If that was what she wanted him to do, then he would. "Will! Not...talk...un..less...Mo..mo...talk...first." It was a simple enough idea. ...in theory.

“Good boy.” Painted lips curved into a smile as the Privaron nodded, finally releasing the boy’s hands. “Anything else?” She wanted to clear things up, address each issue, and clarify their position. She did not like the idea of the other boys playing their younger brother against each other, and she was certain it could come to that.

"Not...think...so." Aizen. His brothers. The half. And Nell. The four things that had caused the most confusion for him over the past few days. And for all intents and purposes, they had now been sorted to the point he could forget about them. Until they next arose.

Cirucci nodded. Good. “Anything else, then, Wonderwyce?”

A shake of his head. "Cir..uc..ci...feel...bet...ter...yet?" He'd searched as well as he could for the human she'd asked for, but so far, had come up with nothing. Though given the fact he hadn't been able to leave the room, that hadn't been suprising.

“A little, baby.” Though she was vexed. Hinamori Momo had caused her trouble. Again. “Come on, now.” Cirucci took a second to get to her feet, wincing a little and moving slow. “We’re going to go out, okay?”

Staring up at Cirucci for a few moments, he finally nodded in agreement. A moment later he was on his feet too, a hand entangled in the material of her shirt. "Where...go?"

“Shopping.” Cirucci gently untangled his hand from the fabric of her uniform and instead let his smaller fingers lace with hers. Much more convenient and practical. “We’ll get some things for you to learn with. Reading, and talking better.”

"Shop..ping?" Yet another term he wasn't familiar with. Though it was soon explained, to an extent. It meant they'd have things for him to learn from. "...want...learn...from...Tou..sen..sa..ma...though." As impossible as it was just then.

“When Tousen-sama comes,” And Cirucci almost wished for it, if only because she believed he would remain sane, untainted by the shinigami, so adherent to justice he was, “You can show him how much you learned and he’ll be proud of you, wouldn’t that be nice?”

"Will...learn...for...Tou..sen..sa..ma?" A smile slowly broke out on his face in response. "Want. Want...learn...be..fore...Tou..sen..sa..ma...come."

“That’s right.” Cirucci steered the boy out of the apartment, though she was walking slow, gingerly, carefully. “And when he gets here I bet he’ll be impressed, and tell you how well you did, too. With reading and writing, and talking. And fighting, with all the training you’ll be doing, Wonderwyce.”

That was all he seemed to want. He knew, loyalty to Aizen was above all else. But in some part of his mind, he knew that Tousen would rank above him in sway over his own actions. If Tousen told him to do something, he'd do it without fail, regardless of his own thoughts. It was something he felt guilty for not holding true to Aizen too. "Will...make...proud!"

Cirucci smiled, something smug and assured as she led the small Arrancar out of the building and into the heart of the City, leaning down with a wince to whisper something in his ear. “You’ll make all of us proud.”
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