(no subject)

Nov 30, 2006 22:00

When; November 29th; Night
Rating; R to NC-17 (for cursing, general rowdiness, and a Greed x Farfello scene.)
Characters; Greed (so_very_greedy)and Farfello (bloodyfarfie)
Summary; Greed gets "acquainted" with his new roomie.
Notes; Don't read if homunculus-on-psycho sexy hijinx offends.
Farfarello looked around a little as he headed out of the cafe he'd been in, using the computers there. As he looked around the unfamiliar area and started to literally just wander, hoping to find the temple, he definitely had to be glad that he slept with a couple knives on him at all times. He had most of his things with him when he'd gone to sleep since he hadn't much to begin with as he'd been travelling so much; but again, he didn't carry cash and if he didn't have access to his accounts... It was a good thing there were apparently no police in the city.

He made his way through the city slowly, doggedly making his way through area after area for hours on end, not once stopping to rest or to eat since he didn't need it. Finally he came upon what was clearly a temple, though he wasn't sure if it was the right one or not. He walked towards the entrance, unable to tell still since he didn't know anything about Shintoism, a small frown on his face as he tried to figure out if this was the place. The Irishman got to the actual entrance and peered around to see if anyone was there or not.

Luckily, homunculi were gifted with very good senses. It was night, so Greed was sitting in his room at the temple, drinking his ass off...Actually, that was his major daytime activity, too. Okay, pretty much anytime of day he was either drinking, fighting, or fucking. He had just settled when he heard the sound of footsteps coming from down the path to the temple. The lazy homunculus scratched his leg, stretched, and marched down to meet his guest. A flash of silvery hair caught his attention at the end of the way.

"Yo! Farf!" he said, waving frantically, "Nice to see ya'!"

He bounded to the entrance and slapped his new guest on the back.

"Good to see you, pal! I was wondering when you'd show up. Come on in, ya' sonuvabitch!"

The Irishman looked surprised by the greeting, though he couldn't help but to grin at Greed, nodding to him, "I told ye I had to find my way around. I didn't exactly find maps of the temples in the area anywhere."

He glanced around with his single golden eye as he stepped further into the temple, which was just as Greed had described it; fairly open and with definitely enough room for another single person without any baggage. He soon turned his attention to Greed again and wrinkled his nose at the smell of the alcohol, his single eye clearly amused.

"Just how much have ye had to drink to be smelling like that?"

Greed looped an arm around Farf's neck and led him around the temple, sliding paper doors aside and showing him the grounds. They passed by a large kitchen with several brewing sake pots inside. The smell of cooking meat was in the air. He had also noticed Farf's nose twitching and laughed hard.

"I never really counted, since I can't get drunk! Metabolism burns it up too fast," he shrugged, pointing to a larger door, "In here is the hot springs. It's an outside spring with a privacy fence, but it's co-ed. If you're stealthy, you can sometimes catch some ladies in moments of undress. I like those days."

They soon reached another door and Greed slid it aside. It led to a meager but fair room, with good ventilation and view of the gardens. He set down two cushions next to a coffee table and bade Farfello to sit.

"Go on. Sit."

"Can't get drunk, hm?" A white eyebrow lifted slightly as he smirked at his companion, but his attention was brought instead to what he was being shown.

At the menion of stealthily catching women undressing he laughed, shaking his head at the other man. He nodded once and moved to sit down on the cushion, glancing over at Greed after a moment curiously, "So just what are ye then? I know ye're not human, but I don't know just what ye actually are."

He looked genuinely interested, since where he was from there weren't things like the gods and other..creatures he'd seen around here as he'd walked. The only differences were the humans with preternatural powers and those without.

He sat down and and crossed his arms, thinking.

"I'm a homunculus. We're alchemical creations of humans. Super-humans, really. We got the whole nine yards. Near immunity to pain, regeneration, nigh immortality, superhuman strength and agility, photographic memory, and heightened senses. Plus me and the other Sins each had a unique power. Mine is this."

A change quickly moved over his flesh, changing it to a black sheen.

"I'm the Ultimate Shield. Nothing can penetrate this barrier. I don't like the form though, because it ruins my sexy good looks."

Greed sniffed the air lightly and sighed, looking to the kitchen.

"You want somethin', Farf?"

Farfarello's eyebrow lifted slightly at the mention of the other Sins, a part of him practically twitching at the mention of the seven deadly sins. It would figure he'd run into something like this on his first day in the city. He instead focused on the rest of the conversation.

"Ye're sexy good looks huh? That certainly seems handy."

He definitely had more of a possibility of being killed despite his own power, which had kept him alive through a lot.
At the mention of food however, he was distracted from his thoughts as he cocked his head to the side, "What is there?"

Greed smirked and and reclined, propping himself up on the backs of his elbows.

"We just happen to have A+ level amenities in our kitchen. Big storage areas, a fully stocked kitchen, and access to just about whatever you want. As long as it's not exotic like sushi or something, we can probably make it."

He could sense some of the tension change in the air when he mentioned his siblings. He also remembered the earlier reactions to his mentions of religion.

"Not much for religion, eh? Me either. Buncha' nonsense to keep humans in line. I have a basic tenet of life. Don't be a dickhead. That's a pretty good rule to live by."

He rolled onto his side, resting his head up on his hand and tapping the floor.

"What about you? What's your deal?"

Farf cocked his head to the other side now, "Don't suppose I could get a simple, greasy burger, hm?"

He grinned a little bit, the grin slipping slightly at the mention of religion, his eye taking on an odd light to it, "I've no problem with religion itself. It's God I question.."

He then put a very firm hold on his instincts, which were to start taking about how the Liar was no benevolant being by any means.. He shook his head once to rid himself of those thoughts, the other's questions helping to snap him out of it.

"What's my deal? That's vague.." He lifted an eyebrow, suddenly seeming back to normal completely, his eye losing that almost unholy light as he relaxed again.

"Burger it is! Let's go!" Greed said.

He led Farfello back to the kitchen and put out some ground beef, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, and various other sandwich fixings. He switched on the large grill up against a far wall and placed a cooking tray on it. Four patties of angus beef were placed on the grill and the top was closed.

"What I mean," he said, checking the temperature, "Is your story. Your past. A little glimpse into the guy who I'll be seein' on probably a daily basis."

He went to the refridgerator and pulled out a few cans of soda.

"Unless ya' don't want to. A man has the right to keep his past a secret, if he wants."

Farfarello grinned a little at Greed so eagerly making the burgers, moving to lean against the counter as he watched the other man.

"My story, hm? Should I start before or after the insane asylum?"

He found himself easily relaxing with Greed there, since the other didn't seem the type to care about Farfarello having done all that he'd done, or the fact that he was more than a little...messed up.

"I was raised by foster parents, me real mother was a nun and stuck around when I grew up, they all lied to me when I was young about my parentage. Sister Ruth told me when I was young the truth, I lost it, killed me foster family with a kitchen knife and tried to kill Ruth but I snapped out of it while trying that. Took off, lived on the streets, got dumped in an asylum. Picked up by a group of people interested in me for my inability to feel pain, got put with a group of assassins. Killed people, got paid well to do it, took off when the people that were in charge of us got killed. By us." He shrugged slightly. That was the...impossibly shorter version of it.

Greed cocked an eyebrow and put a finger under his chin.

"Hm...Well, that's...goddamn. That's quite the story."

He began chopping and slicing various sandwich fixings with ease. His hands transformed into armored claws to prevent him from slicing himself on the knife.

"I worked for my creator doin' some bad stuff too, not that I wanted too. I don't really like hurtin' people unless they're really askin' for it. As for what you do, as long as you don't accost a young lady in my presence, you should be fine. I'm the last person to hold someone's past crimes against them. I just don't like women or kids gettin' hurt, got me?"

He wiped off his hands and rechecked the temperature, tossing a few of the sodas at Farfello.

"Take whatever you want to drink. Milk and juice is in the fridge, too. By the way, we have a young girl stayin' here. Motoko. She's a kick-ass swordswoman!"

Farfarello laughed a little bit and held up his hands, "I was a killer. Was being the key there. This city seems as good a place as any to start over, no?"

He caught the can with ease, setting it down for now since it was just thrown and he didn't want to deal with the fizz.

"Swordswoman? How young is she?"

He leaned a little more onto the counter, his elbow resting on it and his chin in the palm of his hand as he bent over a bit to relax like that, glancing over at the homunculus. That was an odd word he'd clearly have to get used to if he was to be..friends with Greed.

"Eh, everybody gets the chance to start over, I should think. I blew off my old boss because I knew I'd never accomplish my goals under him. I'm an ambitious guy! I want money! I want power! I want women! Status! Land! I want everything I can get and more."

Greed suddenly realized he was doing his "I want everything" speech, and got down off of the table he was standing on.

"Sorry. I get kinda' carried away," he said.

He opens the grill and pulls out the rare-cooked meat, then places them each on a bun. He sets each beside the piles of sandwich fixings.

"Soups on, by the way. Build your own," he said, spreading some mayo on his bun, "And she's about 16-18, I think. I'm not very good at judging human ages, though."

After taking a few bites, he turnes to Farf again.

"So Farf, what are you? Ya' know, preference-wise?"

The Irishman nodded a little bit and went about making his burger. He paused at the sudden question, smirking and raising an eyebrow at the other man.

"Haven't had someone ask that so blatantly before. I'm... We'll say open-minded." He shrugged, grinning a little bit.

Greed nodded his head slowly, mulling over the answer. He had just finished making his own burger and went toward the brewing sake. With some quick ladle work, he whipped up a large bowl of it to drink.

"Just checkin'. It's easier to talk with people when I know whether or not I have at least some chance of gettin' them in bed."

Greed tended to say things like this as easily as if he was talking about the weather. The bowl was set down beside his sandwich and soda. He was currently rooting about in a pantry for some chips.

"I tend to have trouble keepin' it to myself when I'm interested in someone."

Farfarello laughed and shrugged a little.

"Fair enough then. At least ye're honest about that."

He didn't seem bothered by it in the least either. He honestly didn't care much if the other man was like that. He wasn't in the least bothered by it; in fact he wouldn't object to it if the other was interested in him either.

"Well ye don't exactly have to worry about offending me or anything of the sort. I can't think of much that would offend me even."

"Really?" he grinned, his mouth a row of sharp, even, ivory-white teeth.

After setting out the chips, he walked over to the other man. He crossed his arms and looked him over.

"Because after we're done with the food I wouldn't mind a little 'dessert', roomie. Whaddaya' say? I can promise that I have plenty of years of experience."

His grin grew even more, making his smile look amazingly akin to that of a shark.

The former-assassin in turn looked over the homunculus, a matching grin spreading over his face when he looked back up at the other's face.

"I sure as hell wouldn't argue against dessert. Especially of that kind."

It seemed that his stay in this city, and the temple specifically, would be more..fun than he'd thought. He was definitely looking forward to this.

"But food of the edible kind first." He flashed another amused, wicked grin at the dark-haired man.

"Excellent! On with the food, then!"

He picked up his food in a tray and led the way to his own room. Upon entry, it was quite clear that it was not quite matching with the rest of the temple. For one thing, a wall had been knocked down to open up into another room. Somebody certainly liked to have space.

The area was also decorated with dark curtains, black lacquer furniture, a red-satin draped, four poster bed, and a wet-bar. That wasn't counting the numerous souvenirs, posters, and bric-a-brac adorning the walls. One could be fairly certain that this wasn't up to a temple's code. Well done, perhaps, but far from pious.

"So, what do ya' think?"

Farfarello laughed quietly, his single golden eye taking in everything as he smirked slightly to himself.

"Definitely interesting. I like it. Doesn't quite match the rest of the temple though. Frankly I like this far better."

He cocked his head a little as he continued looking everything over, taking his time since he wasn't too concerned about it. He had no where else to be just then anyway; he could spend as much time he as he liked. Or, more correctly, as much time here as Greed liked.

"I may not know art, but I know what I like," Greed laughed, setting his food down on a coffee table, "Come on over here and we'll eat."

He immediately went about tearing into his burger, obviously enthralled in the act of consumption. Every few ravenous bites, he would take quick, greedy slurps of his sake.

"You should see...how Gluttony used to...eat..." he said between mouthfuls of food.

Farfarello raised an eyebrow at the other's eating habits, then laughed a little as he went to his own food, eating quickly but not eating too much. His body didn't need the extra energy so he didn't bother with eating often. Since he wasn't used to it, he didn't eat very much when he did choose to eat at all.

"I'm sure, since that's his very sin.. Are ye the only one here in the city?" He found himself a little curious about the man and the other six sins.

"I'm the only one here. My psychotic siblings are still back in my old world. Good thing, too. I don't need them bringin' the pain to me on a daily basis."

Greed slowed down slightly, some of his earlier hunger sated for the moment. He took a long draught of his soda and settled back lazily with his burger.

"They're not nearly as nice as me. They consider humans inferior and all too breakable, for the most part."

"Well, for the most part, they'd be right. But I'll take ye're word on it that it's a good thing they're not here. I can't imagine some of them being very nice at all..."

He shrugged slightly as he sipped some of the sake, grinning a little at the taste. He then leaned back a little as he relaxed, finishing the last of his burger quickly enough.

"So do ye know how ye got here? I heard if ye die sometimes ye're brought here. Did ye die or were ye just a random pick up?"

Greed finished his own burger and gulped down the last of his sake, wiping his mouth his arm.

"I came here to escape death. Wrath was chasin' me. Mean-spirited hombre. He was fuckin' me up pretty good, so I backed off to think and fell into some portal. Woke up in the fountain. Some people do die and come here, some are just lucky/unlucky."

He stretched out and lay on his back, staring up at his ceiling.

"Don't think that I'll ever leave, though. First, it's difficult, second, there's nothing there for me anymore."

Farfarello chuckled softly and nodded, "Fair enough. Well I guess that worked out for you. Who knows; maybe if he'd killed ye anyway ye'd have ended up here."

He shrugged slightly and drank the last of his sake as well, smirking slightly as he thought about it.

Greed gave a half-hearted laugh from his position on the floor.

"I don't like to think about that prospect too much. I like life too much."

He glanced over at Farfello, and then sat back up. He was looking rather intently at him.

"So, stomach full? Meal good?"

He had risen to his feet, and was gathering his used materials to set outside the door.

Farfarello smirked slightly and nodded a little bit, "Aye. To both of them."

He lifted an eyebrow at the other man as he stood up, picking up his own things to put wherever it was Greed wanted them placed.

"Just place them outside the door," Greed said, "I'll take care of them later."

He cleaned off the table and began straightening up the room a bit. He was currently drawing the curtains, bringing darkness and triggering soft lighting to flood the room.

"So, about that dessert...?"

The Irishman grinned a little bit, single eye looking around the room in the different lighting as he took stepped closer to the other man.

"Like I said before, I've no objections to it. It's all yours if ye still want it."

He spread his arms a little, invitingly for a moment, before tugging Greed closer and kissing him.

Greed was pleasantly surprised by the aggressive nature of the younger man. He pushed back against him, crushing his lips against Farfello's. Hands that can crush marble roamed over his well-toned body, tugging at his shirt.

"Mmm...Very nice," Greed said, breaking the kiss and shaking off his vest, allowing his 'undershirt' to fade into his flesh.

Farf chuckled a little, his eye eagerly taking in the sight of Greed's bare chest as he pulled off his own shirt; a plain black, rumpled t-shirt, revealing pale, smooth skin without a single scar despite his former profession. He pulled the older man closer again to kiss him, his hands moving from Greed's shoulders to his chest, instantly loving the feel of the other's skin under his hands.

Greed kissed his way along Farf's jawline, stopping at the end to gently nip his earlobe. He quickly dipped low and easily picked his new lover up, carrying him over to the large bed. He lay down with the silve-haired man and caressed the side of his face, drawn by that single, golden-eye. Gold. One of his favorite colors.

"Hell, Farf. Not to be sappy or nothin', but you're fuckin' beautiful. You know that?"

He didn't wait for an answer, his long tongue emerging from his mouth to trail along Farf's neck and down to his right nipple, the surface rough like a cat's tongue.

Farfarello let his head fall back with a faint smile on his face until he was picked up, clearly a little startled, though the moment he was put down on the bed he decided he didn't mind in the least. The younger man would have laughed at the comment on his beauty if he wasn't distracted suddenly by the feel of Greed's tongue moving down to his nipple, his eye instead closing as the fingers of his left hand moved into Greed's hair.

"Ye can be as sappy as ye like, so long as ye keep doing what ye're doing."

He seemed both turned on and amused at the same time just then.

A loud, almost feral growl rumbled through Greed's body when Farfello gripped his hair. That was definitely one of his spots. He loved when someone did that to him.

"You don't have to worry about that," he said, "I never have to sleep or worry about gettin' tired. I won't be quittin' soon by any means."

He lighted grazed Farf's nipple with his teeth, then continued swathing his tongue over his torso. He used one hand to gently play across his muscular stomach and the other to fiddle with his pants as he trailed his tongue toward the buckle.

The Irishman grinned a little at Greed's reaction to the grip Farfarello had on his hair, a grip that only tightened when he felt the teeth against his nipple.

"Good to know ye've got stamina then." And plenty of experience, he'd said early.

The younger man was looking forward to this even more as they continued, biting his lower lip to keep from laughing as his stomach muscles twitched faintly from the light touch. He culdn't help it; it was definitely enjoyable, but he was also, amusingly enough, slightly ticklish.

Greed grinned up at his laughter, then remembered to concentrate on his work. He finished unlatching Farf's pants and then tore his own completely off. He slid the pants down Farf's legs, lifting each in turn, and threw both pairs in the corner. It was quite obvious that Greed enjoyed going commando.

He sat up between the pale-skinned man's legs, raising the right one and kissing his way from the back of his knee to his inner thigh. After reaching that area, his tongue snaked out again and lightly slid across the tip of Farf's manhood. Greed's jaws made oral sex with males rather problematic, if not downright dangerous, but he could at least do some good.

Farfarello lifted himself up to help Greed take off his pants, even as his own eyes were looking down and taking the rest of Greed in, a pleased smirk on his face. A smirk that melted away as Greed made his way to the platinum-haired man's inner thigh. His hands moved down to grip at Greed's hair again at the feel of the other's tongue on his erection.

"Shit, Greed.." It had unfortunately been a while since he'd had a lover. He was loving every minute of this.

Greed growled pleasurably again at the feeling of the fingers in his hair, his own large erection bobbing slightly with his heartbeat.

"Shit, am I?" he joked, "I think you'll have to be punished for saying something like that..."

He continued to drag his tongue up and down Farf's cock, then pressed against his testes and vibrated his mouth against them. He used his right hand to start stroking the cock standing in front of his face as he gently worked his sack. His other hand gently stroked Farf's smooth rear, feeling the muscular contours.

Farfarello gasped and moaned, pressing Greed closer against him as he bucked up slightly into the other's hand. He definitely was loving every minute of this, focused on the feel of Greed's attenion. The feel of the other's mouth against his sack and his one hand working his cock. If this was his 'punishment' he thought he might have to be bad in some way or another more often.

Greed began to shift his body around. He kept his mouth and hands working, but moved his lower torso so that his hips were toward the headboard, right next to Farf's head. He used his tongue again as he worked. It slipped under his balls and traveled back further, gently tracing along the cleft of Farf's ass.

He changed the motion of his stroking to longer, slower movements. Every few strokes he would curl his hand around just the head of Farf's cock, dragging rough hands across the many nerve endings there.

The Irishman groaned and turned his head, eagerly taking Greed's member in his mouth, licking and sucking at the head slowly and groaning around the other man's cock as his hips bucked up. One hand moving to cup and caress the other's balls as the other stroked the older man's cock as he sucked on it, tongue lapping at the tip occasionally.

Greed moaned, as Farfello pleasured him. It was a deep, guttural sound from deep in his body that caused him lips to vibrate against the smaller man's testes.

"Ah! Fuck yeah!"

He increased the speed of his strokes and pressed his thick tongue against Farf's anus. It wetted and bumped against the entrance and finally slithered inside. It traveled along the front wall, lashing back and forth inside of him, searching for his g-spot.

Farf moaned and pressed down on the other's tongue as it entered him, writhing slightly as he continued licking and sucking at the other's member, taking more into his mouth as he rocked alternately against Greed's tongue and into his hand. He was trying hard to hold back from cumming just then but lost control when the tongue inside him did find his g-spot, cumming hard as he moaned around the cock in his mouth, keeping enough in mind to take more into his mouth still and continue pleasuring the older man.

The Irishman groaned and turned his head, eagerly taking Greed's member in his mouth, licking and sucking at the head slowly and groaning around the other man's cock as his hips bucked up. One hand moving to cup and caress the other's balls as the other stroked the older man's cock as he sucked on it, tongue lapping at the tip occasionally.

Greed moaned as Farfello pleasured him. It was a deep, guttural sound from in the depths of his body that caused his lips to vibrate against the smaller man's testes.

"Ah! Fuck yeah!"

He increased the speed of his strokes and pressed his thick tongue against Farf's anus. It wetted and bumped against the entrance and finally slithered inside. It traveled along the front wall, lashing back and forth inside of him, searching for his g-spot.

Farf moaned and pressed down on the other's tongue as it entered him, writhing slightly as he continued licking and sucking at the other's member, taking more into his mouth as he rocked alternately against Greed's tongue and into his hand. He was trying hard to hold back from cumming just then but lost control when the tongue inside him did find his g-spot, cumming hard as he moaned around the cock in his mouth, keeping enough in mind to take more into his mouth still and continue pleasuring the older man.

Greed retracted his tongue from his lover's rear and licked off the cum that had just been splattered onto his chest.

"Not bad at all," he grinned, sitting up on his knees and pushing his fingers into Farf's short, white hair. He gently held his hands there and started to work his hips more, trying to concentrate on the feeling of the lithe young male sucking his cock so hungrily. The warm, wet mouth enveloping him again and again.

"Ah...I...ah...AH!" he cried out, jerking his hips once and unloading in Farf's mouth. The power of his own orgasm snuck up on him this time, as his balls twitched with every spasm of his cock, firing a large load into Farf's mouth.

Farfarello was easily able to take the older man's cock in his mouth as deep as the older man wanted it, eyes closed as he just focused on bringing his lover the same pleasure he'd just been given. The moment Greed came in his mouth he moaned quietly and pulled back so he could swallow it easily.

Afterward he pulled his head back and opened his eyes to look up at Greed, a pleased, sated smirk on his face. "Ye were definitely right about the experience bit.."

Greed pulled Farf's head up to him and pushed his tongue into his mouth, tasting traces of his own cum there.

"And," he said, stroking his cheek and placing Farf's hand on his own still VERY hard cock, "I didn't lie about the stamina either."

He curled a hand around the white-haired man's waist and trailed it down to his rear, pushing a finger into him.

"You know what comes next right?" he smirked, cupping Farf's manhood again.

Farfarello looked definitely pleased at that, his hand stroking Greed's cock slowly as he pushed down against the other's finger.

"Oh hell yeah.."

He leaned up to kiss Greed, pulling back and nipping at the other's bottom lip and kissing along the other's jawline afterward. "Glad to see.. Ye're holding up to your end." And he'd definitely hold up to his, more than a little eager for this.

Greed smiled with pleasure as his jaw line was kissed, curling one hand in Farf's hair. He shifted his body around behind Farf's and continued to work him with the fingers of his other hand, putting another inside him. Luckily, Greed's earlier tongue lashing had left him very slick in that area.

"Goddamn you're gonna' feel good," he breathed into his ear, kissing his earlobe and neck. His cock rubbed along the cleft of the pale man's rear, after which Greed removed his fingers and pressed the thick head of his cock against Farf's hole.

The Irishman groaned low in his throat as he pressed back against the older man's cock, his head tilting slightly to let the other continue kissing his neck. His own lips and tongue trailed along Greed's neck as well to the junction of his neck and shoulder where he bit down a little.

"Then just do it.. Gods.." He just wanted to feel Greed inside him now, that hard cock filling him and thrusting inside him.

Greed winced slightly as he pushed inside, working his cock slowly in and out until the head popped completely inside. The pleasure of just that act was enough to make him screw his eyes shut for a moment, his tongue draggin along his upper lip.

"Shit...so tight..."

He pushed in and pulled out a few more times, slowly working into a rythm. He turned his head to clamp his mouth against Farf's, biting and sucking at his lips, trying to drink in more of him.

His left hand reached around to give a light squeeze to Farf's sack, then slid the hand up to jerk his cock.

Farf just closed his eyes at first, pressing back against Greed as the dark-haired man pressed inside him. He felt none of the sting or pain that some people felt, thanks to his abilities, instead only able to feel the pleasure and fullness of the other's cock in him. The moment he was kissed like that he immediately kissed back, groaning into the other's mouth as his legs moved up to wrap around his waist. He just focused on the feeling of what Greed was doing; thrusting in and out of him and jerking his cock.

Greed fell forward, wrapping his arms around Farfellos and forcing him hard against the bed-spread. His hips beat a cadence against his rear as he hungrily raked his teeth across the pale, smooth shoulder in front of his mouth.

He started rolling his hips, changing the angle to better strike against his G-spot on every stroke. The soft, tight grip of Farf's body felt like it was trying to drink all the essence out of his stone. He thrusted harder and harder, the loud SLAP of skin against skin resounding in the room.

"Ah...yeah! Fuck!"

Farfarello arched against Greed, his right hand moving up to grip the other's hair, pressing him closer against him, loving the feel of the man's teeth on his skin as his free hand moved to Greed's shoulder. He was moaning each time that one spot was hit, eyes closed and head tilted back against the pillow.

"Shit.. Gods, yeah..!" His brain all but shut down, leaving him simply feeling.

Greed was locked tightly against him, practically sealing their bodies together. He twisted his hips with every thrust, savoring the feeling of him. He rocked against him, his every nerved ending screaming for release, his breathe hot in Farf's ear.

He pressed in harder, arching his back. The thrusts were practically keeping Farf's legs off the bed, keeping him balanced on Greed's upper thighs.

"Damn it...I....Aaaah! Ah! Ah!" he howled, burying himself deep inside his lover and releasing the pressure that was building in his balls.

Ribbons of thick, hot cum flooded the young man's passage, enough so that it was soon leaking out of his ass with every thrust, pooling on the bed under them.

Farfarello was nearly writhing underneith Greed, moaning and grinding back against the older man, panting for breath and clutching the older man's back. He occasionally kissed and bit at the other's neck, his whole boy thrumming with pleasure. Just shortly after Greed came, the younger man nearly keened, arching against Greed as he came over their stomachs, eyes closed as his short nails dug into the other's back, leaving red welts.

Any damage that was done healed as soon as it had been inflicted, leaving Greed panting against Farf. He lazily kissed his lips, tracing them with his tongue. His cock was still hard inside him, and he slowly pulled out, a few minor aftershocks causing him to spurt a much smaller load onto Farf's back.

"Holy hell," he puffed out, turning Farf in his arms, "That was fantastic."

He kissed his lover a bit more gently this time.

Farfarello chuckled, kissing Greed back as he lay there almost bonelessly, body completely sated now. "Aye.. Should do that more often." He tugged Greed a little closer to kiss him again, still smiling almost lazily now. After a moment he stretched a little like a pleased cat and glanced down at himself with a slight grimace, knowing that they should definitely clean up. But that meant actually getting up and out of the bed..

Greed could definitely feel the stickiness. He hopped up from bed and opened a door in the back of the room. Fresh steam drifted in from the outside.

"I even dug a hot spring section for myself. Care to come?"

The thought of a dip in a hot spring was probably the only thing that could've gotten Farfarello out of bed just then, which he did with a grin, getting out of the bed slowly and walking over to the older man, not the slightest hint of stiffness from the sex just moments before.

Greed looped an arm over his shoulder and stepped outside.

"Farf, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship..."
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