Mar 25, 2011 22:15
Yesterday, I found a caterpillar on the stairs at work. I put my hand in front of it, and it had no problem crawling on me. It was a beautiful life in my hand. Life is remarkable.
I don’t consider myself Republican anymore. Florida’s new tea party pandering Republican governor hit the nail in the coffin of my Republican allegiance. I have anger towards him that I never thought I’d feel for a politician. I don’t like it. But it is personal for me, as he has made state employees such as myself out to be the enemy. He’s done other ridiculous things, such as kill Florida’s dreams of a high-speed rail system (innovation? Don’t look for it in Fla) and he is trying to disband a newly formed database that would make it harder for people to abuse prescription drugs (seriously). I do like the proposed drug tests for those on welfare and expanding the school voucher system. But overall, I can’t stand him. Not that I consider myself a Democrat now. Neither party is right all of the time or even most of the time (Glenn Beck & Rush Limbaugh would beg to differ, of course). I am, however, going to stay registered as a Republican so I can vote in primaries. I’m a super voter, which is a term for someone who hasn’t missed voting in any election.
After my cow interactions at the fair plus recently watching the documentaries Supersize Me and Food, Inc., I’m going through a food overhaul. I no longer want to buy meat unless it is from free-roaming animals (nor do I want to buy much meat, anyway). I don’t want to get fast food garbage, or any garbage food with high fructose corn syrup / other corn & soybean products / sugar overkill/ nasty preservatives. I plan on shopping at farmer’s markets to buy local & responsible. There is so much good in these changes, from my own body to the lives of animals & farmers to combating over-consumption & pollution. Please watch Supersize Me & Food, Inc. With education comes change. People need to know the effects of their food consumption.
Upon writing that paragraph, I feel like a teacher. Consider those documentaries homework. ;)
I’ve found that even though my job doesn’t involve creativity, I need creative exposure. I’m talking Etsy, innovative architecture, outside-the-box ideas. I’ve got to get outside the box if I’m going to go anywhere. I need to dream, write my ideas down, and implement them. Dreaming and Doing are on two cliffs facing each other, a large expanse between them. So few people jump to Doing. So many can with the right drive.
I tried a couple of yoga classes. So far, so good. I think yoga is best as an end of the day wind down.
If anyone is on Twitter, let’s follow each other: find me at user name DecidedJoy.