Hey well atleast i did get something right....

Nov 03, 2004 22:37

Most americans are as stupid as i thought. Now that i got that out lets go to my day. School was cool like normal another person told me about christin hugging on guys...wich is getting old. That makes about 12-13 people that have told me. Had a math test it was easy no biggie. Nothign else really. After school stayed after with christin in her mom's room kinda boring. Christin has this thing lately that if i touch her at all she goes nuts and she wont tell me why. Girls! I will never understand a girl! They tell you they want something then the next second their mind is in the other direction! My mom said i cant move to canada. She doesn't want to pay for it but she said i can when i get out of college. By that time either hilary will be in office or we'll all be dead. I'm going weithe the hilary i dont think bush will screw it up that bad. But that thing in Iran where they yelled "death to america" a million times when they signed their new nuclear programs bills. Which in a way scares me but i'm confent in my leader when enough i may not like him. I cant change it as much as i want. Oh yeah and christin you posting that last comment just proved my point on what i was saying, Ingorant. I hope you understand. Tonight was sweet it really was i am suprised! I thought it would be boring and iw ouldn't listen at all but i really do love this girl and i want to try to let, God, in to my life if i can. One big thing though i said 'if your there god she'll take my hand' and she didn't. So i dont know but it was cool though. I think christin though i was lying when i said it but i want to go back next week. Saw some friends but didn't get to tlak to them for a long time. Christin was kinda keeping me to herslef which was cool cause thats what i wanted to do to. It was fun not much about god just about things and they all happen to relate to god in some way. It was pretty. Everyone esle who's gone there said that it either scared them, or they didn't like them. I guess i was diffrent it was pretty cool and i think christin myay have opend my mind into something bigger than i think. I dont agree with the jesus will be comming back persoanlly. Soem how all these things happened a long time ago. Before jesus and after him but it seems that ever since we've known of the bible nothing happened. Conquidence? Dont know i dont know. Its either hes there and i'm just to stupid to see it, and i dont bleieve in things i cant see. Today if we 'made' him up not a soul would believe. But thats just how things go...it'll all be told in my njew book hopefuallly if i actually finsih this one. 'The Eye of Mutilation' going great so far. Dont wanan give any details out just yet you can kinda get what it's about from the title. I love you Christin Patsy Rice! 4 more days :)

P.s. i dont car ethat i cant spell!!!! and yes you did say dumbbutt christin i was there.
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