(no subject)

Nov 24, 2006 01:25

Make fifteen statements intended for fifteen people, but never tell which one is for who.

1) Without you, my morning would be dull. And Id have no reason to smile. Youre so smart and talented. You always find a way to cheer me up with your undoubtable wit. To other people it may seem like we hate each other, but the names prove we love each other.

2) For a long time you were the only person there for me. You might not be able to get everything Im tell you, but you try to comprehend it, and give me the best advise possible. Without you, my summer would have been worthless, my days would be pointless, and I would still not understand the meaning of true friendship. Im thankful everyday that youre my friend.

3) You are truly a unique person. Just when I thought I had seen it all, you introduced me to a world Ive never seen before. Even though you do things that not everyone approves of, I try to look past that to the person you really are. And that person is very intelligent, and fun to be around. Even though you might not see it now, I know you will some day.

4) Our recent friendship has grown fast. I finally have someone that understands completely what its like to go through what I did. And what I still am, in a way. Youve shown me that there really is people in this world that can understand, and still except me for who I am. And even though we didnt have the picture perfect start of a friendship. Im glad were close now.

5) You are the main person that fucked up men for me. I cant stand how you treat me, and expect me to still be obedient. I cant stand you. Sometimes I wish you never came back for me. But if you idnt, then I wouldnt be making this post right now about all these people that are so precious to me. So in a way I thank you. But I will forever have a grudge against you. Thanks for causing me pain.

6) We joke around in school alot, and Ive only hung out with you a couple of times. But I love you! We really need to hang out more. Youre such a great person, and for being so small, you have a big personality.

7) I give everyone one chance to officially gain my trust and you blew it. BIG TIME. But youre still one of my friends. I wish we could be closer but I wont let it happen cause I dont feel like getting hurt again. Hopefully by the end of this year we will have mended most of the wounds, but theres no promises.

8) Youre such a beautiful girl, yet you dont see it. You might not think your pretty and you might think youre fat, but youre not. In my eyes youre so close to perfect, its scary. I wish you could see you through my eyes. And to add to it, your personality tops it all. Youre so cute =3 And it took a years work, but Im glad that were close friends now. I dont know why but I always wanted your approval. I dont know why. Like the first time you actually gave me a hug, I swear I almost cried, the first time, you said I loved you, my heart almost exploded. Im glad that I can come to you and tell you almost anything now, and you know you can call me and tell me anything. I hope it stays that way, I dont know what Id do without you.

9) You need to get more confidence. Yes people in the past have been mean but you need to get over it. There are so many people that tell you that your beautiful right now, why worry about the past. Those people were fucktards and didnt know any better. You have a great personality, and that shines through. You need to believe in yourself more.

10) Without you, I wouldnt know the greatness of yaoi. The sleepless nights, chinese food, and boyfriend talk make up some of the best memories I have. And even though we dont hang out that often, the time I have with you is priceless. Youre like the crazy older sister I never had. I just cant wait for the day that you murder my husband and steal me away to Yaoicon. The wait is killing me.

11) Youre one of those people that I just dont know what to make of. Like, sometimes youre my friend, and were cool. Other times, you give me looks and I think you hate me. I dont know what that is about but I know we were close for a while. I always wondered what happened, but as long as your happy, so am I. I think its just we are two totally different people. I dont know.

12) We never hang out! I talk to you sometimes, and write stuff on your little message thing, but I miss you so much. When I first met you we clicked in the first five minutes. It was amazing, and totally cool. Humor makes you shine in my eyes. Youre one of the funniest people I know. Juts random spazzing of comments made into conversation. Mostly involving throwing skittles or hot emo guys. Either way, Im glad I have someone like you to understand my random hyperness.

13) Ive known you since eight grade. We lost our connection last year, but re-connected this year. Im glad cause I can tell you anything and all you do is laugh in my face and say Im crazy. Which is better than giving me a look or saying Im stupid. I can only hang out with you in school, but thats ok, cause without you in my class, I dont know if I could survive. Hopefully by the end of this year we can call ourselves close friends.

14) We started talking over the summer and our friendship has grown since then. No matter where I am with you, you always brighten up my spirits and make me laugh with your random spazzing. You have to be one of the prettiest people I know. And like other people, you dont see it but you are. I hope that you know Ill always be there for you if you ever ned to talk. And I hope that now you know, we can still keep our friendship the same. I would hate to lose you.

15) I lost you. I cant get you back. I knew it was coming, and I didnt think it was goin ot hurt as much. You were gone a while ago, I just didnt see it. I will miss you.
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