Faces part 9 of 9 and Epilogue

Jan 14, 2011 00:10

Title: Faces (part 9 of 9 and Epilogue)
Author: Tamoline and Louisa
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: X-Men/Criminal Minds
Pairing: Emma Frost/Emily Prentiss

Disclaimer: Not my characters. Not my pairing.

Notes: Finally, the last part of Faces, the first decent length fanfic and femslash story we have ever worked on.  I hope that you have enjoyed it. Any feedback, ( Read more... )

criminal minds, emma/emily, fanfic, x-men

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Vicky scoutnabout July 14 2011, 16:11:34 UTC
I was just reading through some other comments and one mentions Vicky, so I figured I could add another since you're low on feedback of her.

I liked her as a means to show how Emma's power could be such a heartbreaking curse at times. For every one 'Vicky' that she tries to save, I'm sure she's aware of a dozen that she can't (else her whole life would be dedicated to being Mother Theresa).
It seemed that Emma was using Vicky as a means of atonement and a reflection of her messed up state of mind previous to any necessary therapy on her past.
I thought that Emma must have been wallowing in her self-punishment (? right word? probably not), by choice since Emma is completely capable of tracking down Vicky's oil-rig-working father if she really put her mind (no pun intended) to it.
Vicky to me seems more a lesson in what being stubborn can get a person in life; Vicky was smart to be streetwise, but not so smart to remain on the street rather than seek out help via Emma or even the authorities that would at least have been able to help with the contacting of her parent and perhaps (?) foster care if that fails.
Yes, for me Vicky = Stubborn. I felt fine with the lack of Vicky closure, but I could see a small drabble (which I don't usually like based on their shortness, however in this case I'd make an exception) that explains either her life getting crappier or her finally deciding to make a better decision than homelessness. As for many, homelessness is not a choice, if given a choice, she should choose the alternative. She has no power being homeless. Merely because her mom doesn't love her the way she wants and her step-dad is a prick, she could still take advantage of that situation and call the authorities any time he hits her; perhaps down the road that would afford them a 'working' relationship of avoidance if nothing else. She can finish school, get a job, and leave them forever as part of her past.
Well, now you have at least two Vicky responses :)
Till next time, thanks for the story (once again) and the responses. Great writing!


Re: Vicky tamoline July 14 2011, 21:10:12 UTC
I think one of the things about Vicky is the only thing she has left at the moment is her pride, and it's hard for her to give that up. That and I suspect that experiences since she ran away have made it even harder for her to trust anyone.

One of the things about Emma I noticed from the comics I read whilst doing research is that she has a pattern of investing in proteges. And I can totally see that as a way of handling at least some stress. It's easier to push your own problems away when you're worrying about someone else's. And if you want to read into that reasons why some of your suggestions didn't even occur to Emma, well, I never claimed that Emma was selfless.


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