The Ties that Bind Us - Things (Fall) Apart (part 2)

Jun 19, 2012 21:23

Title: The Ties that Bind Us - Things (Fall) Apart (part 2)
Author: Louisa and Tamoline
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Elena/Katherine, Caroline/Elena, Caroline/Katherine, but not Caroline/Elena/Katherine. It's *still* complicated.
Spoilers - End of season 3

A little way down the line from Three's a Crowd

The relationships between Caroline, Elena and Katherine have only gotten more complicated.

But things can't go on like this.

Notes: Character study with a sprinkling of smut, albeit not in this part.

Overture - Melody

"So, where are we going?"

Elena flicks her gaze over at you before returning it to the road, an amused smile playing about her lips.

"It doesn't matter how many times you ask, Caroline," she says. "I'm not going to tell you."

"But-" you start to object, only to be interrupted.

"It's a surprise," she says, gently but firmly. "You'll find out when we get there."

You pout, but she doesn't relent, so you turn and look for clues in the scenery racing past the windows. Trees, trees, trees, more trees and, just for a bit of variety, yet another tree. You briefly regret not paying more attention back when you left Mystic Falls behind, but you were too busy elaborating on the new cheerleading routine you've been putting together. It's been so long since Elena's shown any interest in cheerleading, that you maybe got a little carried away talking about it. Come to think about it, maybe her questions were just a cunning attempt to distract you from noticing important details like where you were heading.

Well, it seems to have succeeded!

You shoot her a sidelong glance, frowning, then brighten as you catch sight of a road sign looming rapidly up ahead. Unfortunately, it isn't as helpful as you'd like. The names of the towns help you orient yourself, but none of them stand out as an obvious choice of destination. You turn in your seat, watching the sign recede in the distance as you rack your brains to try to recall if Elena said anything that could be a clue.

Nope, nothing.

Turning back to Elena, you start to ask another question.

"No," she says, before you barely get a word out. "Just sit back and enjoy the ride. It's not too much further now."

You sigh deeply, the sound as long-suffering and put-upon as you can make it.

"At least tell me we're not going for a picnic in the woods," you mutter.

"We-ell..." Elena looks distinctly... sheepish.

"No!" You sit upright, torn between humour and horror. "Not in these *shoes*!" You gesture wildly, your hands fluttering like birds as your voice rises in pitch and volume. "These are genuine Louboutin knock-offs. Have you even seen the heels? And it's practically dark already, and..." You trail off as you finally notice the contortions Elena's face is going through, trying vainly to keep her amusement inside. "Oh, very *funny* Elena." But your voice is soft, and you can feel a smile curving your lips even as you try to hold a glower.

Elena gives up on trying to contain her mirth. "Oh, if only you could have seen your face," she chortles. "But no, I'm not that cruel. I remember what happened that time I made you come hiking with me."

"You *said* it would be a gentle walk," you huff, settling back into your seat.

"It was!" she protests.

"It was straight up a mountain!"

"Now you're exaggerating. It was only a slight slope."

"I am not! And there were *insects*."

"A few mosquitoes, that's all. Maybe an ant or two."

"Two *thousand*, maybe. And poison ivy!"

"I did tell you not to sit there."

You glare at her. Just because she's right doesn't mean you can't be righteously indignant.

"You were unclear," you sniff. "And anyway, mud! Gallons of mud! Slimy, horrible, disgusting mud!"

She inclines her head. "There was mud," she agrees. "But then, it was raining much of the day."

"And you dragged me out anyway!"

Elena shrugs. "I asked you if you wanted to go back. You said you were happy to soldier on." She glances over at you, a wry smile on her lips. "I was kind of impressed at your determination, actually."

"You were?"

"Well, yes. You're not exactly at ease away from the comforts of civilisation. To tell you the truth, I was kind of surprised you agreed to come out there with me in the first place."

You're silent for a moment or two, thinking back to that time. It wasn't long after Elena's parents died. She was doing her best to keep on keeping on, but you could see the cracks beginning to show. It wasn't like she didn't have other friends, closer friends, even, but they didn't seem to realise what she needed. Not sympathy, not solicitous offers of help, and not space, but... presence. The simple reassurance that she wasn't alone.

"You asked," you say, simply.

The silence stretches between you for a few long moments, but it's comfortable. Comforting, even. Not all communication requires words.

"Well, you have to admit that the view from the top was worth a few insect bites, a little poison ivy rash and a lot of mud," she says softly.

A sudden flash of memory: Elena looking out over the falls below, sunlight breaking through the clouds to paint the scene in glimmering gold. A sudden, sharp gasp, like beauty was the last thing she expected to see, perhaps not ever again. The shock in her eyes softening to wonder. Her trembling, outstretched hand. And then, finally, her smile.

It was worth it. It was all worth it.

But a grudging: "I suppose," is all you say aloud. Suddenly, you realise that that you can hear the regular clicking of the blinker, and the car is slowing, turning into a side-road. Which must mean... "Are we nearly there?" You lean forward, peering interestedly out into the gloom of the evening, your searching eyes registering the sight of lights and buildings up head.

"Almost," Elena confirms. She heads straight for what seems to be a commercial area. You think you have a vague memory of maybe visiting here before, maybe shopping, or because it wasn't Mystic Falls, or even just passing through on the way to somewhere else, but nothing about it really stuck in your mind. The car slows as Elena cranes her neck, looking up at the storefronts with a frown of concentration. "It should be just around... Aha!"

Before you can get more than a glimpse at the building in question -- a restaurant, you think, but you don't get the chance to read the sign -- the vehicle is already pulling into a car park.

"So, this is it?" you ask, as Elena turns the engine off.

"This is it," she says, smiling.

"Great!" You feel a tingle of anticipation as you unclip your seatbelt and pick up your handbag. Due to... complications, the two of you have been keeping your relationship a secret from everybody. (Well, except Katherine, but she's a special complication all of her own.) Which is fine, really, but sometimes it can feel just a tiny bit claustrophobic. But now you're actually going on a real date! Outside of Elena's house!

This is going to be a good evening, you can feel it.

You start to reach for the doorhandle, but Elena stops you by the simple expedient of leaning over and kissing you. It's gentle and soft and it quite takes your breath away. She smiles against your lips.

"Stay there," she murmurs. "I want to do this properly."

"What do you-?"

"Stay," she repeats, the sparkle in her eyes silencing any protest you might want to make. Not that you want to, really. So you wait more-or-less patiently while she retrieves her bag from the back seat and gets out of the car. Maybe you fidget a little bit as she fusses with something-or-other before walking over to your side of the car, but that's only to be expected.

You look up as she opens your door. You're ready with some witticism about wondering if she'd forgotten you, but the remark dies unspoken on your lips. This is the first time you've gotten a good look at her since she picked you up a few hours ago. A little black dress, timeless and elegant. Coupled with the silver accents of her wrap and shoes, it's like she's wrapped in a piece of midnight. Her hair swirls about her shoulders in a silken cascade, her lips full and red, curved in a smile that's all her own, not a trace of the other to be found. And her eyes... Smoky and dark, they look at you as if you're the only person in the whole wide world.

"Miss Caroline Forbes," she says, holding out a hand. "Would you do me the honour of being my date for the evening?"

"Of course," you breathe, letting her draw you to your feet.

You stand there for a moment or two, hands clasped, looking deep into each other's eyes, then Elena's eyes widen.

"Oh!" she says, releasing you to delve into her bag. "I almost forgot." She smiles at you and it looks almost shy. "I got you this," she says, holding out a small box. "Will you wear it? I mean, it's okay if you don't want to. Maybe it is a little corny..."

You look down at the box, a clear plastic affair containing... flowers? A wreath of some kind? Oh!

"A corsage?"

Elena nods, looking sheepish. "I know you like that kind of thing." 'Maybe a couple of years ago,' you think to yourself, but there's no way you're going to say that aloud. Not when it obviously means so much to her. "And I thought-"

"It's lovely," you interrupt, before she can start babbling again. You smile at her, holding out your wrist. "Will you put it on for me?"

She looks at you searchingly, but seems convinced by whatever it is she sees in your eyes. Her answering smile lights up her face. And maybe it does look just a little tacky sitting there on your wrist, and maybe you know you're going to spend the entire evening worrying about damaging or losing it, but if it makes Elena happy, then it makes you happy. After all, it's the thought that counts.

Elena holds out an arm, and you take it, laughing. "You really are going the whole nine yards," you observe, letting her lead you towards the restaurant.

She shrugs. "I want tonight to be special."

You smile, hugging her arm to your body. "It will be."

There's a moment of confusion when you get to the door. She tries to open it for you, but you're at the wrong side of her and have to drop her arm, awkwardly shuffling past her to slip inside. Then you step to one side to let her past -- so she can speak to the maitre d', being the one who made the reservations -- but she's reaching for your hand again and you end up bashing into each other. You both freeze, then start to apologise, then finally just burst out laughing.

"Let's try this again," says Elena. She holds out her arm, her eyebrows raised. You glance around, feeling oddly... guilty. Miserably, you can't help but notice how the maitre d' is surreptitiously watching you, clearly fighting to keep a straight face.

"Are you sure?" you whisper, the words barely even loud enough for super hearing to pick up.

Her eyes narrow, her jaw set in that stubborn line you've come to know so well. She tilts her head towards her crooked arm, clearly saying without words that the two of you are going to get it *right* this time. Well, when she puts it like that... Not without some misgivings, you take her arm again, and she leads you up to the maitre d'.

"Good evening," she says, brightly."

"Good evening, ladies," he replies smoothly, bringing his expression under control as if he was never in danger of laughing hysterically at your antics.

"We have a reservation in the name of Elena Gilbert. A table for two at seven-thirty."

The maitre d' looks down at the sheet of paper clipped to the lectern in front of him. "Ah, yes," he says, scribbling something on the paper. "If you'll just follow me..." Picking up a couple of menus -- fancy, leather-bound affairs, you notice -- he leads the two of you to a table. Setting the menus down, he swiftly pulls out the chairs and lights a candle in the centre of the table. It doesn't really add much in the way of ambient light, but the effect is nice. Once the two of you are seated, he smiles and says: "Your waitress will be with you shortly to take your drink orders and answer any questions you might have about the menu. Have a good evening, ladies." And with that, he takes his leave.

Elena smiles at you. "So, what do you think?" she asks, softly.

"It looks nice."

You look around, checking out the decor. It does look nice, decked out in muted earth tones and adorned with a great deal of natural wood and stone. The overall effect is quite soothing, although you think maybe the giant water feature in the centre of the room might be a little much. And you're not entirely sure how safe it is to have a roaring fire going with all the flammable stuff around. Still, it is quite impressive.

Maybe a little too impressive.

A faint sensation of unease settles over you. Distantly, you realise you're fiddling restlessly with the corsage. You make yourself stop.

"Actually, it looks... expensive," you say, carefully. You meet Elena's eyes, eyebrows raised enquiringly. "How are we affording this?"

Elena sits up straighter in her seat, returning your gaze steadily. "I've got it covered. You don't need to worry about it."

You frown. "You can't use your savings on something like this." On you. "It's a lovely thought, truly, but I don't want-"

"It's okay," she says firmly, although the effect is somewhat spoiled when she drops her gaze to the menu in front of her. "It's one of Katherine's lessons. Life is so much easier when you have money."

'Oh,' you think. So, Katherine is footing the bill for this little excursion.

Other thoughts cross your mind: of debts and obligations and other things probably best left unsaid. Especially on a date. So you bite your tongue and take a breath, and instead, ask: "So, what's this place called? I didn't catch the name."

"It's called 'Elementary'." At least she has the grace to look a little embarrassed about that. You raise your eyebrows, but she's already hurrying on. "It's gotten some very good reviews. And, well..." She shrugs. "I thought we'd find the clientele a little more... welcoming than some of the places at home."

You frown. "What do you mean?"

In response, Elena's eyes flick over to one of the other tables, where a couple are holding hands and staring deep into each other's eyes. They're both men.

"Oh. Cool." You smile at her, feeling strangely lighter. It's... kind of nice not to have to worry about other people's reactions. Almost as liberating as knowing that none of them are likely to run and tattle to anyone you know.

This really is going to be a good evening.

"So then, Matt looks at me, utterly confused, and says: 'But I thought *you* wanted to see this band?' And it turns out that we'd suffered through the worst gig in history for hours because each of us mistakenly thought the other *really* wanted to be there. Needless to say, we didn't stick around any longer." Elena shakes her head, laughing. You join in, even though Matt isn't exactly the most comfortable topic of conversation for you. You cast around for a natural segue, your eyes brightening as you hit on something.

"Hey, remember the time that guitarist invited you, me and Bonnie to that party?"

"I remember," Elena says, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "We told our moms we were going to a late night movie marathon and then crashing at yours."

"My mom was working that night," you remember. "So she wasn't going to be able to check up on us."

"We stopped at a gas station to change into our party clothes."

"That bathroom was *nasty*." You give an exaggerated shudder at the memory.

"Yeah," she agrees, pulling a face. "To this day, I'm amazed that we didn't catch something horrible from that place."

"Pity we didn't think to get some gas while we were there."

Elena shares a rueful look with you. "I can't believe not one of the three of us thought to check."

"I can," you snort. "We were young and stupid."

"It was only two years ago!" Elena protests, laughing.

You shrug, grinning back at her. "As I said."

"We drove around for hours, but we couldn't find the party."

"Maybe we misread the address?"

"It *was* scrawled on a napkin by a drunk musician in a dark bar," Elena points out. "Frankly, I'm amazed any of it was even vaguely legible."

"Bonnie tried to claim that she knew something would go wrong."

Elena frowns. "Wasn't she the one who dragged us out there in the first place?"

You blink. "She was?" You cast your mind back, trying to remember. "She was! She was the one who was flirting with that guy in the first place! She thought he was hot."

"Was he?" Elena wonders.

You laugh, shaking your head. "I don't remember."

"Me neither." She chuckles along with you, and then you both fall silent, the same -- you're pretty sure -- stricken look on both of your faces. You miss Bonnie; a sudden wave of emotion so sharp it hurts. You almost say the words aloud, but you bite them back. Not tonight. Not on a date. Not on the one evening when it's just the two of you.

No baggage, no complications, no drama. Just you and Elena.

You take a sip of water to clear the sudden lump from your throat. "We argued," you say, plastering the smile back on your face.

"We did," Elena admits. Her expression lightens. "But we made up pretty quickly."

Your smile starts to feel more natural. "Didn't we bond over blaming that stupid guitarist?"

"Yes! Well, it *was* his fault. If he could only write legibly..."

"Or not hit on drunk sixteen-year-olds in the first place."

"That too," she agrees. "Not that identifying the culprit actually helped us."

"No, we were completely lost by that point, weren't we?"

Elena nods. "Completely and utterly."

"Didn't we think about just deciding to crash in the next motel we came to?"

"Yes, but we didn't have enough cash on us. And if one of us used a credit card, our parents would see the charge on the statement and might ask some awkward questions."

"Like... what were we doing staying the night at a motel in the middle of nowhere when we were supposed to be safely tucked in at my house." It's funny, thinking back to that night, it seemed so... important. Like it would really and truly be the end of the world if your parents found out. Like being yelled at a little and grounded was the worst thing *ever*.

You know better now.

"Of course, that's when we ran out of gas..." Elena leans back in her chair, shaking her head. Possibly at the folly of youth. "Tell you what, though," she adds. "I've never run out of gas again."

"Me neither." A thought occurs to you, and you cast a suspicious look her way. "You did check your gas level before we set off, right?"

The expression on her face is suddenly horrified, one hand flying to her mouth as if to contain the shocked gasp. You roll your eyes at her antics and she grins back at you. "It's fine. We have more than enough gas to get back home." Her eyes sparkle mischievously as she continues: "Even if we get a little lost on the way back."

"We'd better not get lost," you mutter. "These shoes are *not* made for walking."

Now it's her turn to roll her eyes. "I'm not going to get lost."

You blink innocently. "Isn't that what you said when we went on our road trip to that music festival?"

"That's not fair! You-" She breaks off, frowning, as you feel your teasing expression melt into something softer. "What?"

"You're beautiful," you say, simply. The slight flush in her cheeks, the way her eyes flash indignantly. The way her hair gleams as she tosses her head, the way her hands move when she gets worked up about something. It's all those things, and more. And right now, in this moment, it's like you're falling in love with her all over again.

(It's going to hurt so much when you lose her.)

(There's no way something this good, something this perfect, can possibly last. The one constant of your life is that things fall apart.)

(But it's okay, it's alright, it's just *fine*. You've already had more than you ever dreamed possible. Even if this thing between you can't hold, at least it's lasted this long. And you're just so happy right now.)

(You just can't afford to believe that you and Elena will beat the odds.)

"Thank you," Elena whispers, her eyes shining like stars. She reaches out and gently caresses your cheek with one hand. "*You're* beautiful, you know," she says.

You're not sure who moves first, but suddenly the two of you are kissing. You're kissing hungrily, greedily. It's like you're suffocating and she's air, like you're parched and she's water. You can't get enough. You don't care that there's a table in the way; it barely registers when your elbow clips a glass and almost sends it flying. All that matters is her mouth on yours.

All that matters is this moment, when everything is absolutely *perfect*.

When you finally break apart, you're both panting. You feel dizzy, she looks dazed. Distantly, you're aware of a faint round of applause; a couple of cheers and whistles. Ordinarily you'd be mortified, but that doesn't seem to matter right now. You and Elena look at each other.

"Let's get out of here," Elena murmurs.

On the drive back, you feel... conflicted. On the one hand, you want Elena so badly you can practically taste it. And the sooner you get back to Mystic Falls, the sooner you can be in bed. On the other hand, this evening you've felt freer than you have for a long time. Not having to worry about what people will think. Not having to worry about certain people finding out. It's been kind of like heaven.

Part of you wishes that that it didn't have to come to an end.

Suddenly, you're sliding in your seat as, without so much as a word of warning, Elena puts the car into a U-turn. Now, you're heading back the way you came, back to the town you just left. Confused, you turn to look at her.

"What are you-?"

"How would you like to not go back to Mystic Falls tonight?" You just blink at her, suddenly and surprisingly tongue-tied. She smiles at you, but there's something serious in her eyes. A question. A... need. "The waitress recommended a local hotel. I know we weren't planning on staying here, but I don't want... I just thought..." She heaves a great sigh, clearly trying to stop herself from babbling. "I know I should have asked before turning us around. I can turn us around again, if-"

Finally, you find your voice. "Elena."

She stops rambling and glances over at you. "Yes?"

You smile at her, and you're sure your heart must be in your eyes, that you must be radiating pure happiness. "I would love to spend the night here with you."

Her answering smile lights up the night. "Good," she says, softly.

You ache to take her hand, to caress her cheek, to run your fingers through her hair. To kiss her. To feel her skin against yours. Unfortunately, you think that giving into your urges might do very bad things to her driving ability. 'You'll just have to be patient,' you tell yourself. You can wait a little longer.

As long as it is only a little longer.

"How far is the hotel?" you ask, wondering if she can hear the impatience in your voice; if it strikes an answering chord in her.

"It's a few streets over from the restaurant, so probably not more than five or ten minutes away."

"Okay, thanks." You settle back in your seat to wait as patiently as you can. A few minures later, however, something occurs to you. "Oh no!"

"What?" Elena sounds concerned. "Do you need to go home after all?"

"No, nothing like that. It's just..." You shrug your shoulders. "I don't have a change of underwear, or pyjamas, or a toothbrush or anything like that."

"I would have been impressed if you did," Elena observes wryly, alhough relief is plain on her face. "Slightly scared, maybe, but impressed." She slows the car right down as you turn into the commercial district again, her eyes flickering from one shop front to another. "Luckily, we can solve this problem..."

A few shops later, the two of you have everything you think you'll need for an overnight stay. You even managed to get a change of clothing for tomorrow. It's sportswear, but it'll have to do. It's not like there were many options at this time of night, and you do not want to have to wear your dress back to Mystic Falls. 'Been there, done that, *so* not doing that again.'

Elena turns to you as you toss the bags onto the back seat of the car. "Ready?" You nod. "Then let's see if I can figure out these directions..."

Fortunately, the hotel really isn't that difficult to find. A few more minutes (an eternity) later, and the two of you are standing in your room, looking at a truly ginormous bed.

"Wow," Elena murmurs. She takes a few steps towards it and stops, looking back at you over her shoulder. Her eyes are large and dark, with depths vaster than any ocean. It's almost like she's looking right into you. You feel exposed and, oddly, almost shy. "Wow," she says again, and her voice is low and husky. A shiver runs through you at the naked appreciation in the word. Once again she seems to have left you speechless, breathless.

But you're not feeling shy any more.

You move towards her.

She meets you half-way

As you twine your bodies together, she leans forward and whispers in your ear. "Let's go to bed."

fanfic, vampire diaries

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