Miss Gappy!

Mar 25, 2008 09:03

hehe. Kristy lost her front tooth on saturday...she was so funny coz she got all grumpy and wouldn't open her mouth, she thought she wouldn't look pretty and ppl would laugh at her. Poor K. We had a chat and she came around eventually. I will have to post a pic!

So she got the tooth fairy and the easter bunny on the same night, that was very cool to her. Me - meh, I just cant get into these things...I dont think it will be much longer until she stops believing anyway. She found out last night that Harmony and Rhapsody (The Fairies) arent real fairies and was absolutely devastated.

I had tried to tell her that they were actors but she firmly believed they were real. I have always told the girls that they are allowed to believe in things and it doesnt matter what other ppl think...so she was happy to believe they were real. Anyway after The Faires dvd finished yesterday she saw at the end the ppls names next to Harmony and Rhapsody and the penny dropped. I felt sooooo sad for her. She was really really upset *cries*

So I wonder how long until the rest falls into place (santa, easter bunny, tooth fairy). I never told the girls they were real so atleast they cant tell me off for lying to them when they do find out lol...

Kristy came home last week asking to be taken out of RE at school. I was surprised because no matter what Paul and I believe (or not believe in this case) we told K its up to her to decide. Anyway she has decided that she doesnt believe so I said thats fine. Im not sure what to do with the RE lessons tho...think I will give her a bit longer to make sure that she is really sure. She says its not because of Paul and I not believing but still I think I will leave it a few more weeks.

Easter was ok. Girls got one choc bunny and ate bits of "him" throughout the day! We didnt do much as we have all been down with the flu (cept Hayls so far). Blah. But we did go to Bunya Mtns yesterday for a bbq....it was a really nice day.

Tomorrow Lucas has his ultrasound on his hips to check all is ok regarding his turned in feet and legs. The Paed thinks it will all show normal but just wants to rule it out. I dont see any change in his feet but I am keeping strict with him sitting in the W position, I keep reminding him to put his legs out front when he is sitting down. The Paed is hoping that by getting him out of this habit it will sort his feet out. Im not so convinced but hopeful.

House - guttering was done on Good Friday (thanks boys!) so it is ready for the roof today and then electrical. Woot!

Gotta go do some work. Mwah xx
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