Feb 03, 2007 10:16
Last night I went to do the groceries with al after work, went to bring back my video game and prepared some food. We watched creep (in french, eww, sorry francis, but movies in french make me go -yuk-) with franka potente. What the hell is the name translation about? I mean...they are usually pretty lame...buthis one I mean... creep which is pretty simple enough itself , translated to "c'est l'enfer". What kind of a friggin' name is, "cest l'enfer"? Sounds like a 15 year old goth thought it up.
The movie was so-so, lots of cliche horror movie things.
Then we watched a bit of suspect zero . I really REALLY wanted to watch it in it's entirety, as it looks nothing short of genius, but... unfortunetely last night took it's toll on me and at 12 p.m. up since 6 a.m. I couldn't take it anymore :p
So I fell asleep really quickly , and wake up at 4 a.m.... if you've read my last journal entry you can feel my sentiment on this one :D and especially since I have the store to open today... I really tried super hard to get back to sleep this time, and I di it took me an hour and a half though. Me and al both were awake for some reason and al and I had a fun small adventure trying to catch the cats and putting them in the bathroom 'til they calmed down (I know it's cruel, but considering the complaint from the neighboor yestrday, my lack of sleep, and my big day today....it wasn't the time to be stampeding through the house).
I WANTED to wake up at 8 a.m. ideally, but my plans obviously didn't fall though thanks to that little sleep problem....iI hope this doesn't become a habit because I will have no fucking problem in getting a prescription for sleeping pills a.s.a.p. I have NEVER hada problem sleeping like this, and I won't start now, not at 20 y/o.
So today I am feeling much more confident about life in general. It might go away after 5 hours with the public, but let's try to work on that...I think I pretty much have a good idea of everything I am supposed to take care of this morning. After work, mommy is coming to pick me up from work to bring me to laval! Should be fun. I haven't seen her in a week or so, I really miss her. She is gonna prepare me a nice homemade soup, yummy! Witha movie and some chatting probably.
Anyways, al decided to go see his buddies tonight so it turns out pretty well, I won't be alone in this fucking apartment all night!
Most likely, I'll come home watch a movie and pass out :p
Oh....and just called and their is some booze too...yummy! booze!
So, have a good one everyone, and wish me luck for my first opening shift!