Here are some NUTTY punctuation questions I found on
Eli's Grammar Hotline online:
Q. (from Michelle) What is the difference between :( and :) ?
A. These are two examples of emoticons, keyboard devices to express emotion or feelings in e-mail correspondence.
:( is a frown
:) is a smile
If you turn your head sideways to the left, you can see the actual frown and smile.
Q. (from Jacqueline) What do you put at the end of a command sentence?
ex. Go to the store
A. Jacqueline, you could use either a period or an exclamation point. Probably the exclamation point is better because in most instances the speaker would probably be making the command in a more-or-less forceful way.
Q. (from Mary) When you use exclamation points, question marks, or periods at the end of a sentence, should you have a space? I.e. which is acceptable 'OK!' or 'OK !'? Thanks!
A. No, do not put a space before the punctuation mark.
You should write, "OK!" -- not "OK !"
<3 ttyl