(no subject)

Jun 17, 2010 22:36

I first visited Amsterdam when I was 21. I traveled in Europe for two months. I liked Amsterdam so much that I came back a month after I left, preferring a second visit over going to Brussels.
Then at age 25 I returned, and stayed for three months. I spent the next seven in other parts of the Netherlands. A year later, in 1997, I visited Amsterdam for the last time.

Until today.
I was both looking forward to this trip and apprehensive about it. What if the city changed so much it would feel alien? What if I did? I forgot practically all my Dutch. I lost touch with everyone I knew.

Well, I'm very happy and relieved to say that Amsterdam is every bit as wonderful as I remembered it. My long forgotten Dutch is coming back and I'm chatting to locals in their own language, which is a lot of fun. It's strange because I keep seeing things that are both new and familiar to me and memories I never thought I still had are overwhelming me: brand names at the supermarket, dishes on menus. It's like suddenly recovering from amnesia. And everybody's so NICE! Always loved this city.

dear diary

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