week's summary

May 20, 2006 14:28

I can't even remember the beginning of this week. Seems like ages ago. Good thing I keep a diary.
SUNDAY: Mostly home. Some work. Some RP organization activity. Helping my sister out with wonder nephews as my mom, who usually does that, is abroad.

MONDAY: Morning yoga class, which means I had to wake up at a certain time, which means I didn't sleep all that well at night and that I was running on limited energy the entire day, which kind of defeats the purpose of yoga, but yoga still wins. Every time. Had a good meeting at work in the afternoon - the new order works just great - followed by watching over a test of my new GMAT course. It's a strange work day. When I teach, it's 4.5 hours of non stop working. But when my students take a test, I basically have two hours of doing nothing between the beginning, when I explain shit to them, and the end, in which I sit and talk to each student about their results. I always manage to find stuff to do in Azrieli, though.

TUESDAY: Went to my monthly Chinese doctor appointment in the late morning. Then went to the garage to make sure that the yellow light that lights up every time I use the car isn't a serious malfunction. It was, as I suspected, just a broken sensor. Thank god. Then I returned home and worked some. In the evening I attended the first of six sessions of an anger management class. It was good although there are far too many people and they are far too dumb, stupid, lacking in self awareness, simple minded and strange. It made me so tired, listening to them going on and on and on that I almost fell asleep. I did my usual thing in such cases - writing down a long word and trying to find as many words that can be made up from its letters. I stuck to 8 letter words. There was also a MENSA meeting that evening, and initially I thought to go after class, but since I was so drained, I decided to go back home. As this was the night of the fireworks and endless traffic jams, I'm quite happy with my decision. However, this is like the 3rd MENSA meeting I miss in a row, and the last one I attended was in January, so I really hope I can attend the next one.

WEDNESDAY: Hairdresser in the morning. Over 2 hours. Man, I hate it. It could've taken even longer if I had also cut my hair, but fortunately I didn't. Just a dye job and a blow dry. Home for a quick lunch and then off to help with wonder nephews yet again. From there I went to work, teaching the last lesson of a GMAT course. Got home at around 22:30, dead tired.

THURSDAY: Woke up at 6:30! AM! All because of the Jerusalem meat con. Nervous, apprehensive, insecure. Managed to do some work somehow, and the phone kept ringing. It's always like that on Thursday afternoons. And most calls were work related. Yoga at 17:00. Then drove to the train station and went to Jerusalem on a bus. Took another bus to the con. Met Talash for the first time on that bus. The con was nice, and I was sorry I had to leave at 23:15 to make it to the last bus to Tel Aviv, which left at 23:45. Met some new people, talked to some people I already knew, and really enjoyed Yotam's company, which is quite amazing, as he's 17. I felt that some people there, older than him, were young and childish, but with Yotam, for some reason, the genration gap just doesn't exist. Got home at 1AM and went to bed shortly after.

FRIDAY: Why, oh why did I wake up at 8:30? I was so hoping for a good night's sleep of at least 8 hours. So I was weary the whole day. At 13:00 Didi and I went to his aunt's 50th birthday party in a Russian restaurant in Petach Tikva. I love Didi's family. His parents are great, his aunts are terrific, his many cousins are interesting to talk to, his sister and her family are delightful. But there was so much noise. There was a band, and they made as much noise as 3 people humanly can, which is way too much. We left at 16:40, very early according the Chanoch family standard, and got home around 17:00. I tried to take a nap but couldn't fall asleep. So I decided I won't drive to Yael's party and that we'll cab there, so that we can stay till late. It was really fun. Ben is hillarious and one of few people with whom I can really talk about music. Odeia and the fishes are always a pleasure, and it's been a while since I last saw Noa and Ori. I met Sharona for the first time and really liked her. Really really liked her. It's a shame Kip and Dora weren't there. Food was great (dah, It's Yael!), and there was way too much alcohol. I was already tired when we got there, but at 1:30, after god-knows-how-many jello shots and Einat's excellent home made limoncello, I was on the verge of clinical death, so we left, much to Didi's disappointment and despite everyody's pleas that we stay some more. Thanks, guys, you rock!

SATURDAY: Finally, a good night's sleep. Now I have energy to write, read, and interact and not just stare at the computer screen/TV. What a week.
Next week isn't going to be much easier, but that's not necessarily bad. I hope I'll write 3-4 entries during the week rather than one humungus post on the weekend. We'll see.

dear diary

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