(no subject)

Jul 14, 2002 21:10

westie the other night was pretty good. what is it abou frontmen that is so attractive? its always the frontman thats yummiest and as you go up the bill they seem to get better and better *sighs* the last guy had gorgeous hair "every girl wants a rockstar"...musically (which is what i shouldve stated first *tuts at her own shallowness*) i only really liked the headliner *X is loaded* and they were amazing. they had some really pretty songs

my room is getting done too *eeee* it looks great! and im going shopping for it and my 4 track with my mum tomorrow

cant be arsed with lj not feeling computery but ill put my bumper sticker quiz in when im feeling enerrgetic...right now i must talk to eddy (he worked out weve known each other over 2 yeasr *shocked*)
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