May 23, 2008 00:48
Today -atleast in my timezone- is officially May 23rd.
This marks the 9 year anniversary of Owen Hart's death.
That day was one of the lowest & darkest nights in wrestling history for me. J.R. announcing that he had passed still plays in the back of my mind from time to time. Something I'd like to block out, but I can't.
I was young, he was a heel, so of course I boo'ed - but that was gimmick wise. I never EVER wanted anything to happen to him. I remember sitting there that night, hoping & praying that he'd be okay.
I wish I could've met him; I heard he was such a nice guy. I have a picture of him from Raw, not a close-up, but still one. It's a picture I'm SO glad I was able to capture. It's definitely going in my wrestling scrapbook.
So please stop for a minute & think about a wonderful man who lost his life trying to entertain us...the fans. Think of his family. And everyone who has been hurt by this tragic night.
Thank you for the memories, Owen.
In Loving Memory,
Owen Hart.
The King of Harts.
We love & miss you.
Rest in Peace.