(no subject)

Oct 02, 2030 17:31

I fanspazz, I bitch, and I occassionally give my opinion on real life things to.

I enjoy watching WWE and some anime, though magical girl shows pretty much drive me batshit, I like my show to have a more than passing interest in this thing called 'plot', the more complex and twisty the better.

I can be a complete freak-gamer, RPGs mostly. Square-enix owns my soul. First consol was a handheld Game Boy Colour, and I still play PS1 games. Grandia is Love, Final Fantasy is Epic, and Shadow Hearts is Awesome. I fail at shoot-'em-ups, but trying them none the less is hillarious.

I am a writer, and I have got back into writing fanfiction as well thanks to Gundam 00 - which I love too much and spazz about often - and Final Fantasy VII and VIII. Labyrinth, however, is my staple fallback. I eat meta-fic for breakfast and have a general dislike for brainless, badly written fluff, though find bad-fic in general rather hilarious if a little painful to read.

I have recently got back into cosplay in a big way, again with the Gundam 00, and a variety of others which may be the death of me but daymn do they ever look like they'll be sewing machine killing fun.

I am probably more open-minded than most people I know, easily accept other peoples opinions so long as they do not try to push them on me, and understand more than most people realise. However I do have my own opinions, push my buttons enough and I will snap in a way that only I can with overly wordy, grandoise phrasing and bad spelling.

I am an ex-English Lit and ex-Classic Civillisations student, and now an ex-Japanese and ex-Philosophy student too, and it shows.

By the way: read Hal Duncan's work, it's mind-bendy-awesomeness-incarnate.

(Banner art by chut!)
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