Update on the current state of fannish-ness

Oct 01, 2013 11:26

Since I am determined to start blogging again, I decided a good way to do this would be with an update on what fannish things are currently happening in my life...

Now watching: I have finally started watching the anime of Magi, which has been around for months now and which I have vaguely been intending to watch since it started. I love the manga (which I am now also several volumes behind on) and being now up to episode 19, I can vouch for the fact that it is a really good adaptation - the voicing suits the characters, it is really faithful to the manga, and the animation is beautiful. There is a season 2 starting in about a week, which is also exciting! But I suspect I will actually have to catch up on the manga for s2.

A bunch of my shows have also just started up again, so I am also watching S2 of The Legend of Korra, S2 of Elementary, and S3 of Once Upon a Time. I was catching up on White Collar and managed to get from a season and a half behind to half a season behind, but I have stalled on that one again.

Now playing: Technically I am in the middle of Assassin's Creed on PS3, Trails in the Sky on PSP, and Final Fantasy Gaiden: The 4 Heroes of Light on DS, but in terms of what I am actually making progress in right now - Project Diva F, a rhythm game for PS3, and (of course) Gyakuten Kenji (AKA Ace Attorney Investigations) on DS. I also started the Magi game on 3DS, but that was more on a whim than anything. It is what finally pushed me to start watching the Magi anime, though.

Now reading (books): I just finished Tempt the Stars (Cassie Palmer book 6) by Karen Chance and Isabella and The English Witch by Loretta Chase. These represent two of the reading genres I now generally stick to crabbing about - paranormal romance, and historical romance. XD I refuse to be judged! Also, I have a lot of feelings about Cassie Palmer right now, so there might be a post about book 6 one of these days that is a thinly veiled excuse to pontificate about my feelings on the love triangle and why I am Team Pritkin all the way. Currently, I am in the middle of Raven Flight, book 2 of a new-ish series called Shadowfell by an Australian author, Juliet Marillier. It is high fantasy, set against a celtic sort of folklore, about a political rebellion and a girl whose canny powers to make friends of the fae (the Good Folk) make her a target. The world-building in this one is pretty rich, and it doesn't suffer from the heavy-handing writing style and language usage that high fantasy can be prone to. Plus, I do enjoy any good book about the fae.

Now reading (manga): I am not in the middle of tearing through any series wholesale, but there are a number I am reading from month to month as they come out. The ones that spring particularly to mind are Skip Beat!, Love So Life, Kimi ni Todoke, and Kami-sama Hajimemashita, which... are all shoujo. Huh. Technically I am also reading Sekaiichi Hatsukoi as it comes out, but it comes out so infrequently it doesn't really feel accurate to say I am in the middle of reading it. Meanwhile, I am feeling the distinct urge to catch up on Magi (not a shoujo - gasp!) and Pokemon Special, and also to start the Magi spin-off manga (The Adventures of Sinbad). Of these, the last chapter of Skip Beat! was a major cliffhanger, so that is the one I am most on the edge of my seat waiting on the next chapter for.

Now writing: ................... *WEEPS BITTER TEARS* If I were to provide a list here of all the WiPs that I feel guilty about but haven't touched in months or years, it would be longer than this entire post. I did start a Phoenix Wright fic, though. Who knows if I will ever finish it or even write any more on it, but starting something at all is notable enough these days.

Looking forward to: Many, many things. I exist in a perpetual state of impatience. *g* At the top of the list right now are KH3 (it has actually been announced now! but still doesn't have a release date, so I will be waiting a pretty long while), KH 2.5 HD Remix (okay this hasn't actually been officially announced yet but it seems almost impossible that it won't be given everything, so my near future chances of this one are a lot higher than they are for KH3), Cassie Palmer book 7 (these books come out every 2 years so it is possible I will legit see KH3 first, or at least have a release date for it by the time this book comes out), and the next chapter of Skip Beat! and next episodes of my shows, which at least I have a chance of seeing in the next few weeks. Also kind of looking forward to the Disney movie Frozen and the next Thor movie. :)

Naturally, if anyone wants to discuss any of the games, books, tv shows, manga, etc in this post, I am all for it! Come at me, bro.

tv, manga, reading, gaming

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