Aug 13, 2013 13:58
So I haven't updated in a while but at least on the bright side I have been checking my flist again? And I've been writing posts in my head. I don't know why I don't just write them and post them when this happens, I fail at cyberlife.
Anyway, things:
* After 10 years of internet friendship, I met Kelsey in person for the first time ever! I had dinner with her and Fahye while she was here in Canberra. It was awesome. :)
* Work got really super ridiculously busy for a while, mostly due to a constant need for me to be at meetings plus two senior associates in my team going on maternity leave over the course of one month
* Related to this, I spent 13 hours on the weekend before last working on a tender response. This is worst kind of work you can be required to spend your weekend on, because tenders are very boring, and also it is non-billable so it doesn't help you meet your billable hour targets. Seriously, it is like a job application for your firm, ONLY WORSE. Sigh. On the bright side I got it done, it apparently wasn't crap and we submitted our response on Friday.
* I am still a lawyer until February, whence upon I become an associate, but last Monday my boss told me to move my stuff into an office. I have an office, you guys! Guys! A real office! WITH A DOOR! (not all our offices have doors.) Admittedly like all offices in our... office... the walls and door are made entirely of glass and the door is a sliding door so it is not like it is soundproof or anything but still. An office. MY office!
* I might be going on secondment with a Commonwealth Department for 3 months. Maybe. In theory the secondment was supposed to start yesterday though, so who knows.
* After about two years of not really watching western tv, I have finally been in the mood again to catch up on some of the things I've missed. I watched all of Elementary S1, then finished Sherlock BBC S2, and am currently catching up on White Collar, which I was a season and a half behind in. While on this spree of television I ordered the DVD of the 2009 BBC adaptation of Emma, which I watched with my mother and sister on the weekend. (Jonny Lee Miller: best Mr Knightley ever. My mother, who watched but didn't care overly much for Elementary, lamented the loss of such a good Austen actor.) As previously mentioned, I also finished watching S2 of Once Upon a Time and am currently watching S3 of Teen Wolf as it comes out. I may at some later stage make a post about my feelings on one or more of these things.
* Watched Pacific Rim. It is not my new favouritist movie ever or even my favourite that I have seen recently, but I enjoyed it well enough, more than I thought I would from the trailer.
* Still reading a fair amount. Up until recently this was mostly in the way of paranormal romance, urban fantasy and their young adult equivalents, but after watching Emma I am going through a historical romance phase.
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