At work, almost done for the night. There's a sleepover party to celebrate Chrissy's birthday over at Victoire's afterwards-- well, now, really, since it started at 7pm. I don't really like doing things on the same day as work, but it was the only day everyone was available, so I'll survive, a little sleepy though I am. Have been going through grade kanji all evening. Kanji kanji kanji kanji aaaagh. Remember, self, it's all in the name of literacy.
Read Clover the other day. I liked it, but the pacing seemed a little quick to me. Maybe it wouldn't feel so much like that if I were reading it in Japanese. Hm.
Was playing through the final dungeon of Tales of Destiny this afternoon. I think you need to be a masochist to truly enjoy gaming, because I find video games strangely soothing even when they're FRUSTRATING THE CRAP OUT OF ME. (well, usually. I think I've reached my limit with getting the special ending in KHII. RAR.) It bears great similarity to Tales of Phantasia in that you get to a certain point in the dungeon and, if past that point you have no Deris Emblem, you get zapped into a dungeon with all your team members in different cells. To make things that little bit more SPECIAL, it's pitch black aside from a little circle of dim light around you. I became very thankful for my slog through the Tower of Druaga, 'cause thanks to that I'm on a fairly high level. The kind of level where I can swagger around trouncing things by myself. *smug*
Anyway, I got that I needed to collect something to be able to get past that symbol on the floor, and I picked up a "fragment" in the dungeon I got dumped in, so I made the logical leap in assuming that that was what I needed to collect. Back through the dungeon to the few branch off paths I'd missed and intended to go back to later. Ended up with 4 fragments, and was confused and suspicious because in ToP you had to equip them to each character, and I had 6 characters. But it didn't look like you COULD equip them, and when I went back to the warpy symbol room these four candles were lit so I was like, 4tw! IF I GET WARPED AGAIN I WILL BE SO PISSED and stepped on the symbol, whenceupon the four kakera combined into a single Deris Emblem.
Which was the same thing I had to equip to everyone in ToP, making me wonder if the Deris Emblem exists in Norse mythology. (Tales games are very into Norse mythology.)
Well, all I'm getting is Tales of blah-di-blah walkthroughs, so perhaps not.
Anyway, I went onwards and ended up getting sucked into a crystal mirror maze. By myself, again. And wandered around aimlessly for a while, staring blankly at the coloured crystals that were obviously meant to be the puzzle, until I found a way to contact my team members and got the clue:
Or something like that. You know you play Tales too much when you know immediately, without thinking, what that means. Only the problem was I had only at that stage found the white, blue, green and yellow crystals, so I was wondering what was up with THAT.
Because I have faith in my ability to work out things that are not incredibly impossible (see also: Tower of Druaga), I didn't resort to a walkthrough. I mean, there was a save point right before getting sucked into the crystal maze, and it's not like I did anything particularly hard to duplicate (once you knew what you were doing) or had gotten ANY experience from fighting my mirror image every time I frickin' PASSED A MIRROR. Not like they were hard or time-consuming to kill, but it feels very pointless when you get 0 gald and 0 exp for your efforts. Anyway, after wondering around aimlessly for a while, I found a path I missed (in another pitch black room), and it led to the red and turquoise crystals. Which means I just had to find the pink one. But it was time to go to work, so I turned the PS off. I can do it properly later.
On a side note I started updating this at about 8.30 pm, but then I went home from work, packed stuff together for the sleepover, watched Josie and the Pussycats until the disc froze (SRSLY it was like someone had keyed the damn thing! Those were some determined scratches), watched the beginning of Riddick, got amazingly bored and wandered off to use Victoria's laptop, which is (obviously) where I am now.
Oh, and had some dessert wine somewhere in there, which was probably a mistake, because now there there is the threat of emo lurking at the back of my mind. I'm attempting to crush it ruthlessly. Nobody needs an emo kid at a party, for serious.
Also I wish my head would stop spinning at random moments. Stupid lack of alcohol tolerance. (You can tell I'm not truly smashed, however, because I can still type.)
Well, enough me babbling. I've got more stuff on Gakuen Heaven and Tales of remakes when I'm back on my own computer, but for now... huh. Nothing to do until the movie finishes. Drat, I jinxed myself when I decided not to toss the manga I was reading in my bag. XD
Maybe I'll take a nap... I'd be social but everyone else is watching the movie, so that doesn't really work. Eh, we're watching Pirates of the Caribbean afterwards, so that'll be fun. (And appropriate. We're going to go see PotC 2 at the movies tomorrow.)