(no subject)

Apr 22, 2006 14:08

1. I'm 19, Australian, female, and doing a Law/Asian Studies degree majoring in Japanese. This much? In my bio. Connected to this: my birthday is 13/12/1986, so I'm a Sagittarius born in the year of the tiger. I was born in Canberra and live in Canberra, which is the capital city but is really like a glorified country town with a Parliament house and lots of things named "national ~" to be honest. I'm in second year at the Australian National University, which proves my point about the whole 'national' thing, and my other Asian major is Japanese linguistics.

2. I've been obsessed with video games since I was 3, quite literally. We had a Commodore 64 when I was a child-- before I was born, probably-- that I used to play games on. I also used to sit there and stare avidly for hours while my brother played lemmings and etcetra and play them after him, and it'd drive him absolutely BONKERS. In connection with this, I have a Nintendo 64, a PSone, a PSII, and a gamecube. I used to have a sega megadrive when I was little, and I've got both my brother and my sister's gameboys somewhere, but they're OLD. They're like, bricks. Seriously. Grey original GB bricks. Handheld games I mostly play on the PC, as well as SNES.

3. I have type 1 diabetes. Given how much I whinge about this, this should be news to nobody at all. I was diagnosed almost exactly a year ago-- these holidays last year-- after several months of mysteriously losing weight, having fevers, being dizzy, feeling generally like crap, making a lot of nonsensical typos and having lots of nonsensical fits of hysteria in shopping malls. (Okay, that only happened once.) I have a lot of trouble getting it under control, so a year later my specialists are still all worried about the amount of low blood sugars I have in a week and sometimes in a day. Sometimes I am afraid of going blind within ten years, or kidney failure, or other such things. The other day I discovered diabetes makes you twice as prone to depression. Uplifting stuff, huh?

4. First time I used the internet was when I was 11, in year 6 computing, and that was only brief. We didn't get it at home until I was in year 7 or 8. I joined fandom at age 13 as a rabid het shipper who mostly lurked and occasionally wrote very bad fic, and discovered slash at 14 (see above re: lurking and badfic). Didn't start actually finishing fic until I was 16, after I'd gotten an LJ. Which reminds me, I totally missed my LJ's 3 year anniversary.

5. Speaking of 3 year anniversaries: I am gay, and my girlfriend (Mari, aka amayonolune) and I have been dating for over 3 years now. To be fair, this included a very long break up period near the beginning which we don't count. It's a long story, and I have been assured that it is much like fanfiction or a soap opera, these things being fairly synonymous in many ways. Before we started going out, we were best friends. Since we were, oh, 11. And before that we were friends from age 8. (See also: fanfiction.)

6. Age 8, aka year 3, is when I started going to Girls Grammar. This is the school I graduated from, though the senior school (7-12) is on a different campus to the junior school, which now includes pre-school but didn't when I was there. Consequently, I have a lot of close friends I've known since I was 8, and went to a party with them last night. Before I went to Girls Grammar, I went to St Bedes. It was a Catholic school, and it was SHITE. I knew my 2x and 10x tables when I went to Girls Grammar in year 3, and had to work like hell to get up to the top maths group. Then I dropped down to the middle group in year 6 because I was lazy. This is the story of my life; I ended up oscillating around in both science and maths in early high school because of laziness. I used to think I was crap at maths and hated it, but I did very well in it and really enjoyed it in the later years of high school.

7. Sometimes I flip out. This happens in a variety of ways. Sometimes I will reach that point where I just stop working and play video games/read books/watch tv/etc and sleep, except when I have to go to class, which I start being tempted to cut. (*flashing arrow* <--YOU ARE HERE.) Sometimes I have hysterical fits about how I suck at everything and can't possibly get all these assignments done and I'm going to fail law and my whole life is pointless. Sometimes I do absolutely nothing and sleep 12 hours of the day. Because I was stupid in high school, I strayed near the edges of having problems with eating disorders and self-harm, but neither of these ever became full blown. In summation: I am a very irrational person. Sometimes these moods happen. And they're not very fun for the people around me, so here's a blanket apology for them? Connected to this point, Discworld books are like my lifeline to sanity. No matter how much I hate everything in the entire world except a few select things and persons, I can still reread a Discworld book and regain some zen. So it's just as well that I bought 13 of them yesterday!

8. Connected to irrationality and books, I am SO OBSESSIVE. I get exceptionally unhappy when something is damaged or marked in even the slightest, especially books. Seriously, if a page gets bent or the cover slightly dog-earred or something? I go ;~; every time I see it. I can't highlight my uni books and I write everything in my uni diary in a specific way in the same utensil neatly inside its entry, etc. My video games are arranged by console, then by Square/not Square, and within that Final Fantasy/other. There is more order to it than that, but anyway. My manga? Arranged. Computer folders? Arranged. Ask Ji; one day I went through renaming all my mp3 files, which took me a very long time. Sometimes this need for structure cripples me because I can't get anything done without moving past it, like ordering my uni notes and writing unnecessary summaries and such.

It may interest you to know, as an addendum to this point, that currently my room, my desk and my computer desk are all complete catastrophes. Because I'm so obsessive when I do clean, it means it's more effort. Because I'm lazy, the prospect of cleaning such a huge mess perfectly all in one hit daunts me. And thus it stays messy, until one day my obsessiveness shall overwhelm my laziness. :D;

9. I love writing. I adore it. The process, not just the end product or the ideas. I have to be in the right mood-- if I'm not, it's just like everything else when I get frustrated and fed up and don't want to do anything-- and sometimes I have to be in a particular mood for a particular piece of writing, but when I am, it's kind of like my happy place. I get all zen inside. Until I get frustrated. Which is a fine line. *grin* I like writing for other people, both because I like pleasing other people but also because I like a challenge when I'm writing. And it's nice to have a starting place for a change, instead of working solely on your own bunnies, because sometimes your own bunnies run away and play silly buggers.

10. I love my dog. Her name is Ebony, she's a black... ish... sort of charcoal... toy poodle, and she's 8 years old. Her birthday is 5/11. I got her for a birthday present when I was 11, because my parents had promised me I could get a dog when I turned 11 since I was about 4-- dog was my first word, I got a dog on top of my name seal instead of a tiger one when we were in China, and my parents had this theory you shouldn't get a child a dog until they're 11. Poodle because dad has asthma, toy because we didn't have the room for anything bigger, black because I thought black ones were the cutest, girl because I didn't want a boy. And I got Ebony, who is the loveliest little creature in the entire universe. My parents ended up 'repossessing' her and giving me a cd player instead because they decided 11 isn't mature enough to look after a dog after all, and she loves dad the most (he's like her GOD), which makes me sad sometimes, but she's a very sooky dog so she'll cuddle up a lot and hates being left alone. When I go on holidays without her, I keep thinking people's slippers or bags or whatever are her and going D: when I remember she's not there, so I don't know how I'll cope when I move out or when she...

Yes, well, ANYWAY.

So, that's 10 things I assume you know about me in at least some level of detail!

writing, video game babble, diabetes bitchin', meme, i am crazy people, mah puppeh, about me, uni

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