So I'd always assumed that summoning large frogs? Was just Naruto. However, it appears not. Huh, shows what *I* know.
Or at least, so it would appear. I mean, Tales of Phantasia predates Naruto, and since Suzu (a ninja) has an attack called Jiraiya which involves summoning a large frog, it seems that this is in fact a NINJA thing. Just, y'know. On the balance of probabilities.
Mm, what else. I completely pwned the Morlia Gallery, which is no mean feat given there are no save points until the end, it's 11 levels down, 3 or so of which are in complete darkness, and the enemies are Nas-teh. And there's a boss at the bottom. Also there was this one optional obscure item I wanted from there, which I found out by looking at a walkthrough. My feeling bad over the whole walkthrough thing is offset by the fact that it was a walkthrough in Japanese, so I worked for that solution, dammit. (Most of the work was in FINDING the freaking thing, honestly. I can read Japanese but searching the web using it daunts me.)
Jen came over today. It was fun, we watched music vids, played PS, that kind of thing.
Speaking of which:
Final Fantasy, Dragostea Din Tei style! Thank Becky for the link, since I swiped it off her. Go on, click. You know you want to see Squall/Cloud/insert whoever here angsting to Romanian pop. Well, this is the English version, but my point still holds. Ma ya hi! Ma ya hoo!
Ebony is not good. She was at the vet all day for an x-ray; it turns out she has a permanently dislocated hip due to bad athritis and the best option is to cut the top off her femur and let the muscle and tissue replace the bone, which should take two months after the operation. She's not even that old for a toy poodle. I'm really worried about her. *sigh*
Anyway, to end this on a more positive note, I'm getting my modchip fitted tomorrow.