Okay, so... what is up with some character names? When you think about it. I have three particularly in mind: Nokoru, Yuuto and Schuldig. Now Schuldig is only provisionally on this list because for all we know that's not his real name, but assuming it IS.
Who names their child that kind of thing? Seriously.
Yuuto: 'Playboy' ... sorry, I'm at a loss. Reflection on parental relationship? Mother bitter about the father?
Schuldig: 'Guilty' Possibly assumed. If not, again with the motherly love, yo. Probably a reflection on the father again, too.
What? I found it weird, that's all.
On a sidenote, conversation with Mari about Hikari's suitability as a theme for KH and Sora's complete lack of caring for his parents. If he has them.
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
But, when someone just sends me a text asking if I want to meet up later at a certain time and place, it's a lot easier and cheaper to just text back than phone. There are some things that texting is much better for.
... I really like Hikari. although some of the lyrics don't seem to be very kingdom-hearts-ish.
Minami_Kaya says:
...like sending 20 messages to your lover?
Hikari's a very nice song. Though I don't think it was intended to be used as KH's theme song
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
Yes, like that. XD
Okay, I wasn't sure. Because there's an English version, which is more likely to be just for KH because I can't think of much other reason you'd release an English song with completely different lyrics to the same tune.
Minami_Kaya says:
Utada-san likes englisheflying her songs
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
huh. fair enough, then. Very convenient for Square. *g*
Minami_Kaya says:
Though I'm not too sure about Simple and Clean/Hikari and whether they were written for that purpose
Minami_Kaya says:
I think Simple and Clean might have been
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
That's what I thought. I wasn't sure about Hikari, but I think Simple & Clean was.
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
anyway, Hikari fits very well except for one or two lines.
Minami_Kaya says:
Though Hikari was used for Jap Kingdom Hearts
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
Yeah, I know, that's why I was considering it. It's just these lines that don't seem to fit--
"kazuku ni mo shoutai suru yo
kitto umaku iku yo"
"kyou wa oishii mono wo tabeyou yo"
and... oh yeah, "TEREBI keshite..." because I'm not sure they actually have tv. *g*
Minami_Kaya says:
didnt you know that secretly Kindom Hearts was a soppy family comedy show?
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
Minami_Kaya says:
they have TVs and yummy food and yeayness
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
and introducing to family!
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
... there seems to be an implication that they do actually have families. I find it strange that not once does Sora worry about his family being swallowed by the darkness. UH.
Minami_Kaya says:
Dad: Where's Sora
Mum: He was playing with Kairi last time I saw him dear
Dad: we havn't seen him for about 3 months
Mum: oh well dear, nothing to worry about
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
Kairi: Hey, Sora, what happened to your mum and dad?
Sora: Oh, they probably got swallowed with the rest of Destiny Islands. I was kind of busy looking for you and Riku.
Kairi: Wouldn't they be back now?
Sora: ... but I'm busy saving Riku!
Minami_Kaya says:
Sora: Hey mom, dad long time no see. How've you been
Parents: we got swallowed up into a deep dark gloomy place, how where you son
Sora: wow I didn't know that, I went and saved the world.
parents: wow I didn't know that.
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
Minami_Kaya says:
clearly they need mobile phones too
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
would you get reception if you were swallowed into a deep dark gloomy place?
Minami_Kaya says:
or maybe that's why they need the TV?
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
there's candid camera following Sora around?
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
from world to world?
Minami_Kaya says:
or um...they could mail each other?
Minami_Kaya says:
from some random world in the middle of the universe to some deep dark gloomy place, I'm sure
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
but the bizarre thing is that Sora doesn't even seem to care. He's all "Kairi! Riku!" and occasionally worries about Tidus and Selphie and Wakka, but he never even mentions his family. He may as well not have one. I thought he DIDN'T, except some things are otherwise inexplicable.
Minami_Kaya says:
like what, the fact that he had to be born out of somewhere?
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
well they could be dead. But he goes back to his home at the beginning of the game. And I think somewhere in one of the two games there was mention of parents, or something. Can't remember.
Minami_Kaya says:
Maybe it was mentioned that they'd died
Minami_Kaya says:
or gone missing
Minami_Kaya says:
or went for a trip around the world
Minami_Kaya says:
and won't come back until Feburary
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
nah. Sora's parents SPECIFICALLY weren't mentioned, I don't think. I just assumed none of them had parents, like the lost boys in peter pan. Who knows? I should stop expecting logic out of Square.
Minami_Kaya says:
Sqare and logic aren't good friends lately
Minami_Kaya says:
don't ask too much out of them
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
hee. true.
Minami_Kaya says:
Though I'm assuming they wouldn't kill the parents just like that. It's not reaaally Disney
Minami_Kaya says:
Disney does do killing of parents sometimes, but not too often
Minami_Kaya says:
...Wait, they do quite a lot
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
Minami_Kaya says:
maybe they did suddenly die
Minami_Kaya says:
Well I was just thinking Cinderella...Alladin...Lion Kng ... Beauty and the Beast...
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
but wouldn't they tell us so we could feel properly sorry for all the poor orphans?
Minami_Kaya says:
but this is Square.
Minami_Kaya says:
Did we ever hear about ...um, Queena's parents and what happened to them?
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
Queena is... different.
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
Minami_Kaya says:
or um...how Cloud had a spare set of Zacks clothes that fitted him perfectly / had a secret handmade set of Zacks cosplay
Minami_Kaya says:
when in fact he liked Sephiroth
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
*DIE* so it would be perfectly reasonable for him to have Sephiroth cosplay? XD
Minami_Kaya says:
more reasonable than having Zacks cosplay don't you think
Minami_Kaya says:
Cloud cosplaying Seth would be rather tastey me thinks
I miss you like the deserts miss the rain says:
hey, yeah. he couldn't really do the hair or the height, but he'd look so cute! It'd be Zack's fault. Somehow.