Another post about thinking too much...

Dec 08, 2006 09:42

I was going through old pics of David Boreanaz to use for 100x35 linking banners for a website affiliated with Sunnydale Stories (my site) when I ran across interviews of DB's early days on ATS - ATS S5.

He talked about how much he loved the character he played, because Angel(us) had soooo many hidden depths that he could play with. But, what got my notice was how little he discussed SMG.

Buffy's this great love of Angel's souled life and all, I thought maybe there was some sort of a friendship struck between them off the set as well. But, according to David, outside of photoshoots they did and the series, they barely said hello to one another. Granted that in 1997-1998 he was married, and from what I understand, his ex wife (who wasn't an actress) didn't particularly like the stardom appeal that being BTVS' dark, sexy, souled vampire gave to DB. And, I'm sure using the ring she gave him as a symbol for Buffy/Angel's love didn't help matters either. (I know there are a lot of actors/actresses married to people outside their profession, like Mel Gibson. I'm just going by early interviews that I've read.)

But aside from that, we all know David hates reunions and he never talked to or about SMG outside of work. What am I getting at?

Well, fast-forward to the Buffy/Angel Reunion in END OF DAYS/CHOSEN. David said he did the reunion for the fans, but he didn't care much for it himself. He's just not a reunion type of guy.

And if that's so, then how do you explain how David is with James Marsters? 1) ATS S5 was DB/JM's 3rd reunion (BTVS S2 and 3-LOVER'S WALK, ATS S1-IN THE DARK, ATS S5) and David was bouncing off the walls in interviews because he was so thrilled to have James over on ATS full time. He was always touching James in some way, either loosely hugging him or a hand on James's shoulder. When they sat down together for interviews, DB's knee was always pressed up against JM's. And, he always talked about James in interviews in a vague non-work capacity.

Basically, everything he said that he never did with SMG, he did with JM. DB was asked in a phone interview with an Australian magazine "What do you think of the other vampire, Spike taking up with Buffy?" and DB's reply was something to the effect of "If it's there for the taking, go for it, baby!"

So, maybe there was a connection between those two that snapped into place way back in BTVS S2 that 10-15 years later, DB/JM are still friends (outside of work) today. Whenever he was asked about JM's career, DB was always happy for him that he had been picked up for something (like Smallville or P.S. I LOVE YOU), he was just a real supportive friend. But when it came to either the BTVS crew or his own (including Christian Kane, who had been picked up for Close to Home or JAR who was on Conviction), he avoided the topic unless the article/interview pertained to ATS or BTVS.

Now, with Bones, the only things he's said about previous cast members is when Adam Baldwin (Marcus Hamilton) guest starred on Bones. But, Amanda Fuller (who was a potential slayer on BTVS S7) guest starred on the Witch in the Woods episode. (Granted he had probably never met her before that episode)

Just thinking (mildly) that there's an actual friendship there. (Maybe Angel(us)/Spike aren't strictly sire/childe after all).
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