Aug 25, 2010 17:49
Yesterday I was enthusiastic and determined to meet the challenges of higher education, Today I felt fatalistic and defeated. I was late to my noon class because I underestimated the amount of time it would take to find a parking space, the correct building and classroom. (You'll begin to notice that underestimating the amount of time it takes to complete a task is a recurrent theme in my life.) So since I was ten minutes late, I assumed I had missed the professor passing out the syllabus and taking roll. As class was ending, she told us what was on the agenda for Monday's class. Until that moment I was under the impression that I was in a class that only met on wednesdays. Since I get off work at seven am on Monday mornings, it is intolerable to imagine staying awake for a noon class.
The process to change classes took four hours, most of which was just waiting for the next set of directions. i made a mantra of "anxiety will not make this process any faster or easier so just breathe." I kept breathing but I also added mentally rolling my eyes and asking the universe if it was fucking kidding me.
When I finally got home, I unrolled my yoga mat, Twenty minutes of shoulder opening postures later, my heart is softer. I realize none of the inconveniences of today were part of a cosmic plan to make my head explode. Sometimes we are outsmarted by the technology we have enlisted to serve us.
And a stressful day is no more a personal insult than a good day is personal favor.