May 18, 2006 21:38
Im hungry..
I want my boyfriend to come home faster than he is
I never thought, in a million trillion years, that i would be living with Robert. Little Robert from PE. who kept getting hotter and hotter...Until he was one of the cool guys at Target who worked at Guest Service with "the cool kids" and was dating Caylin...and had a reputation of "getting around". I would never imagine God chosing me to be with him. I thought he was too good for me. I thought I couldnt get the hot guy...
hes amazing in every single way possible and understands me like no one ever could.
I heart you hunny..
wow i have no idea where that came from but thats ok.
haha this ment to be an emo post but now i feel a lot better. Im gunna go watch all the Degrassi i missed over the years via the internet.
God bless the internet.