maybe life *is* trying to tell me something

Mar 11, 2009 21:31

i'm behind on blogs and sundry other interesting net things again, and what happens? i stub my toe, painfully, on a misplaced pram. this clearly means i must pay more attention, and blog a bit, to avoid the evil eye. or at least the trasked foot.

spring has warmed up and quickened everything, including me, so i've started digging up the garden -- it's small, thankfully -- in preparation for some plants. we have ordered a bunch of trees and bushes to make it a little less of a brown desert.

i'm also picking up speed on my master's dissertation, which will be about ayahs, that is nannies of the indian variety, in literature. particularly in rushdie's "midnight's children", which i'm becoming a bit of an expert on, to my great surprise.

there. will that do, evil ankle-biting universe?

procrastination, mishaps, work, gardenings

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