Guess who just won NaNo? That's right, Tamer did! I found myself at 49920 this afternoon, when I finished so I added an epilougue to make up the 80 words, and went past by 200 odd. Now to squee like a fangirl:
OMG, leik SqueeSqueeSquee! OMGWTFBBQ??!!1
All right, I'm done now. ^_^ But I will stick the full story up on ficwad (with an editted-with-chainsaw version on fictionpress).
It all started when she said that she would want an Xian boyfriend. Her fuck-buddy 'friend' Pittson decided that she was saying that Xian=better than not-Xian. She denied this, and it suddenly devolved into Big-Bang vs. Genesis while I was re-reading FAKE instead of paying attention. Many Faux Pas' were made.
After the blokes buggered off, Ollie tried to talk sense (which of course led to Pheds interjecting randomly things that she's been told to repeat that had no relavance to the conversation).
After Ollie left (it was 5 to 5), they started on me, and we had the 'All Religions are equal' chat, which was resolved by 'A Rose by any other name'.