Insight in hindsight:

Mar 11, 2013 20:15

If your boyfriend starts regularly using someone else's favourite moves in bed and stops doing the things you like, he's probably moving on. Or just thinking about 'someone else' at the time, which is Bad Form and leads to The Mediocre Sex.

Not that we were having all that much sex towards the end - just enough for me to notice that something was off enough for me to want to talk about it. Heck, I keep coming back to that thing I said to Sam ages and ages ago and recognising how true it keeps being - that when I say 'we need to talk' it generally comes down to 'I want more sex*' in some way or another. I was feeling neglected in the affection-sense, as well as shut out from whatever was going through his head, and what it came down to was that he wanted to be with someone else instead of me rather than as well as me, but hadn't worked it out yet.

*Good sex, that is. Mediocre sex barely counts as sex. I may as well be wanking if his head is in the clouds. Okay, mediocre sex is a bit better than wanking, but not by all that much. (Also, I am outraged that Google Chrome doesn't thinking that 'wanking' is a word.) Also, 'sex' is a broad category that can include all sorts of things.

Sex isn't the most important thing ever, but I do think that it's a good indicator for the rest of the relationship - if a boyfriend can't be arsed to have Good Sex with me (in a relationship that generally includes sex, which not all of them do), he's probably not arsed to do much else in the relationship, either. Thinking of various past relationships I've had, the sort of sex we were having does bear relation to the reasons why we broke up.

meta, sexy, relationships

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