(no subject)

Feb 21, 2013 14:49

I have totally had sex like this week's oglaf before. It's really funny. Also fun. Not had anyone try to scoop it all back up like that, though...

I'm feeling the giddy-happy today. There have been some sad moments when I've been thinking too much, but I've people to distract me with shiny, so I haven't been thinking about it too much. Last night had a couple of eugh moments when I made eye-contact, but I mostly managed to avoid looking and focus on happy-making people instead. Also, leftover onion bahji-cakes for breakfast, om nom. I'll make some more tonight. :D

ETA: It's not really surprising that I'm finding it harder to be around him this week and this time than last week - last week, I'd laid it out, he'd picked (even reluctantly), and we were starting to move on. Even the Tuesday-evening-that-broke-me (with the mouthing 'I love you' at me and making me pay attention to the fact that he was with the person he'd dropped me for) could be dismissed as standard being-a-jerk-post-breakup behaviour. I was being a jerk then, too ("We're not friends! *melodramatic sobbing*").

But begging me back after that, resolving to make things better and try harder this time and taking actions that made it look like that was going to happen, and encouraging me to tentatively start to let my feelings out again, and then dumping me again over the internet before we'd even got to hang out and test the water? That hurt. That hurt a lot, and felt pretty malicious. I don't want to hang out with someone who does that to people, and I'm not going to want to interact with him out-of-character while that's my primary impression of him.

relationships, cookery

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