(no subject)

Oct 30, 2012 13:40

I am not in favour of LJ's f-page changes. For one thing, it's done something to my old version, in that I did have it set to hide images unless I opened the entry page, and now I've got PICTURES ALL OVER THE PLACE. Do not want.

In actually relevant life, I'm still alive. Yay! apparently. Most important things - getting outside every so often, spending time with people who love me (and allowing them to keep me motivated to continue project staying-alive), eating food.

I should probably put some creative things in front of me a bit more so that I might start exercising those parts of my mind again - it's the sort of thing that is good to do and results in happiness, but requires a fair number of spoons in reserve to get started on. They tend to stay in reserve rather than get used up when it comes to happy-making things, which is good.

And there are project things that I'm supposed to be getting on with, and I've only just realised that I'm focussing on getting to contact things and meetings, and angsting about it when I feel like I've spent my time unwisely, instead of working at home like would be sensible. I'm writing this so that I've put it down in writing, even though it seems really obvious right now, so that I'll be more likely to actually change this.

ill, my day, i bet the shadows call slay

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