Dear self: The day is when things are supposed to happen.

Dec 07, 2011 15:16

Fifth day in a row in which everything has been stalled by inertia.

Am awake. Now what?
Am out of bed and standing next to it. Now what?
Slippers? Downstairs?
Back upstairs after wandering around and maybe boiling the kettle. Now what?
Breakfast? How?
Back in bed. Now what?
Put towel in bathroom so a shower can occur. Wander around some more, maybe actually making tea this time. Feel foolish because I've just made tea when I was supposed to be having a shower. Drink the tea?
Teeeeeeeeea. More tea?
Now what?
Walk into shower room. Think I've forgotton something. Walk around again. Now what?
Shower. Upstairs. Sit on bed wrapped in towel. Now what?
Drink water. Now what?

...And thus it is three o'clock in the afternoon and I have done very little things, and have three hours left to do ALL THE THINGS, including pay my rent, but first more 'there is a day' things need to occur, like hunting down enough clothes to be both decent and warm (I can't go outside with just a towel draped over me and no shoes), eating more food than just a bread roll (I don't like the current arrangement of the kitchen. We need cupboards of some sort so that I can process the existance of the food-storage area properly. maybe next year, if Jason is taking most of his furnature with him when he moves), and filling out a form for the standing order.

Realistically, leaving the house is going to take another hour, at least. *sigh*

(Each 'now what?' represents a fair amount of time spent staring into space unsure of what I was doing, what the next thing is, or why I am currently doing a thing.)

ill, crazy tamar is crazy

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